
Kickham Street, Thurles, Co. Tipperary Saga Part I.

On July 26th, 2021 we highlighted issues on Kickham Street, describing it as “The Venice Of Tipperary”. See HERE

For at least the past ten weeks of 2023, an area outside McCabes Pharmacy, on Kickham Street, has been flooded, caused by a blocked drain. During heavy rain, water flows down Kickham Street, (as above video showed) with its first port of call the blocked drain outside the above named premises.

Yesterday, despite the area becoming severely flooded on Saturday last, the drain was ignored by those responsible for having it cleared, namely officials at Thurles Municipal Council.
See picture hereunder.

“In all the pools are velvet skies, and down the dazzling street
A fairy city gleams and lies in beauty at my feet.”
― Extract from the poem ‘Rainy Nights’ by Irene Thompson.
Pic: G. Willoughby.

With no rain yesterday, the water leached away for the first time in a 10 week period, leaving accumulated muck and other filth in its wake. See picture hereunder. Next rain that falls; it will fill up, to flood this area once again.

Muck and Filth.
Pic: G. Willoughby.

Thurles Ignored:

It’s a similar story everywhere in Thurles, latter a town boasting two elected, salaried, TD’s and nine highly paid local Municipal District councillors; all it would appear tone deaf, when it comes to listening to the wishes of their electorate.

Let us take just one example to justify our claim.

On December 6th 2022 last, we drew attention to the destruction of pedestrian crossing lights, left ignored; situated on Parnell Street, same 20 meters from the office door of Fianna Fáil TD Mr Jackie Cahill. View HERE.

All of this destruction was, and is, being caused by high sided vehicles forced to mount footpaths, while attempting to pass each other on narrow strips of roadway, no longer fit for purpose. All of these issues are being supported by poor, below standard planning within Tipperary Co. Council’s engineering department and the same situation is signed off on, to take place again shortly on Slievenamon road (N62) in the town.

“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person lorry driver to enter the Kingdom of God town of Thurles”. [ Sincere apologies to St. Matthew.]

Now four months later this same pedestrian crossing lighting; 20 meters from Mr Cahill’s office, on Parnell Street, Thurles, has over the past 4 weeks, been once again struck by a high sided vehicle and left damaged while facing the Thurles Credit Union building.

Further evidence and proof of the large sums of money having been already wasted through poor engineering ability, can be viewed HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and most recently HERE.

Details of last Saturday’s flooding have been sent to Ms Sharon Scully (Thurles Municipal District Administrator) and Mr Joe MacGrath (Chief Executive Tipperary Co. Council).


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