
The Stone Outside Dan Murphy’s Door.

The Stone Outside Dan Murphy’s Door.

Lyrics: Written sometime in the 1880s by Irish ballad writer, entertainer and dancer John Patrick Dane.
Vocals: The late Dublin born Irish singer, songwriter, guitarist and actor Ronnie Drew (1934–2008), recording with ‘The Dubliners‘.

The Stone Outside Dan Murphy’s Door.

There’s a sweet garden spot in our memory,
It’s the place we were born and reared.
‘Tis long years ago since we left it,
But return there we will if we’re spared.
Our friends and companions of childhood,
Would assemble each night near a store;
‘Round Dan Murphy’s shop, and how often we sat,
On the stone outside Dan Murphy’s door.


Those days in our hearts we will cherish,
Contented although we were poor,
And the songs that were sung, in the days we were young,
On the stone outside Dan Murphy’s door.

When our day’s work was o’er we’d meet there,
In the winter or spring, just the same.
Then boys and the girls all together,
Would join in some innocent game.
Dan Murphy would take down his fiddle,
While his daughter looked after the store;
The music would ring and sweet songs we would sing,
On the stone outside Dan Murphy’s door.

Repeat Chorus:

Back again will our thoughts often wander,
To the scenes of our childhood’s home.
The friends and companions we left there,
It was poverty caused us to roam.
Since then in this life we have prospered,
But still in our hearts we feel sore,
For memory will fly to the days long gone by,
And the stone outside Dan Murphy’s door.

Repeat Chorus:


FSAI Warn Peanuts In Donegal Catch 4 Atlantic Fillets.

Presence of peanuts in batches of Donegal Catch 4 Atlantic Fillets in a Barbeque Spiced Marinade.

Alert Summary dated Monday, 10 February 2025

Allergy Alert Notification: 2025.A02.
Allergen: Peanut.
Product Identification: Donegal Catch 4 Atlantic Fillets in a Barbeque Spiced Marinade.
Batch Code: See table below for batch details


Product name:Batch number:Best before dates:
Donegal Catch 4 Atlantic Fillets in a Barbeque Spiced Marinade. L22024304 (SNFIIR)SEP 2025.
Donegal Catch 4 Atlantic Fillets in a Barbeque Spiced Marinade.L22024326 (SN)OCT 2025.
Donegal Catch 4 Atlantic Fillets in a Barbeque Spiced Marinade.L22024352 (SN)NOV 2025.

The above batches of Donegal Catch 4 Atlantic Fillets in a Barbeque Spiced Marinade contain peanuts which are not declared in the list of ingredients.

This may make the batches unsafe for consumers, who are allergic to or intolerant of peanuts.

Cashel Library, Co. Tipperary- Events For This Week.

Ms Maura Barrett Reports From Cashel Library:

Cashel library has the following FREE events this week:

  • Adults Only Event:
  • Tomorrow Tuesday 11th at 6:00pmMovie Night“The Best Marigold Hotel”.

Several retirees decide to move to Jaipur, India, to stay in the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, advertised as an exotic retirement home. This comedy drama boasts a stellar cast comprised of Dev Patel, Judi Dench, Celia Imrie, Bill Nighy, Ronald Pickup, Maggie Smith, Tom Wilkinson, and Penelope Wilton, and was nominated for five awards. All welcome

  • Children – Age 8 plus – Events:
  1. Card Making Workshop: On Saturday 15th February at 11:00am – Max 12 participants, booking essential to Tel: 062 63825.
  2. Lego Free Play Workshop: On Saturday 15th February at 2.30pm – Max 15 participants, booking essential to Tel: 062 63825.

Note: All events in all libraries across the county can be found HERE.

You can locate the Cashel Library building, situated on Friar Street, Lady’s Well, Cashel, Co. Tipperary, HERE. (G487+RX).

Ireland Reads Returns For February 2025.

Local Libraries, Children’s Books Ireland, Age Friendly Ireland, Adult Literacy for Life, NALA and others are partnering once again to get the whole country reading this month, in the lead up to “Ireland Reads Day” on Saturday, 22nd February, 2025.

‘Get lost in a good book’ during February or on ‘Ireland Reads Day’ itself. Ireland Reads is like a couch to 5k for books. It’s all about celebrating reading, whether that’s reading a book, a newspaper, a comic or whatever grabs your interest.

Here’s how you can get involved

Visit, where you can:

  • Get some reading inspiration. Simply enter the type of book you like best, how long you have available to read each day and the website will suggest a book and tell you how long it will take to read it.
  • Visit your library during February or on Ireland Reads Day.
  • All over the country, libraries will be holding events and activities in support of Ireland Reads.
  • Libraries have lots planned for all ages during February and on Saturday, February 22 for Ireland Reads Day.
  • Check or your library website for details of what’s happening near you!

Grab your ‘Ireland Reads’ read.
Library members can borrow from 13 million items or download from thousands of eBooks, audiobooks, magazines and newspapers online. Simply visit to join.

You can browse and borrow in your local library or browse and reserve online. They also have thousands of eBooks, audiobooks and online newspapers and magazines available to download straight to your device.

So get involved and get Ireland reading!

Death Of Paddy Tobin, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

It was with great sadness that we learned of the death, today Sunday 9th February 2025 of Mr Patrick (Paddy) Tobin, No.23, St Patrick’s Terrace, The Commons, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

Pre-deceased by his parents Johanne (Josie) and Richard (Dick), his brothers Michael and Jimmy, his sister Alice and brother-in-law John; Mr Tobin sadly passed away suddenly at University Hospital Cork.

His passing is most deeply regretted, sadly missed and lovingly remembered by his sorrowing family; brothers and sisters Maureen, Joan, Ritchie, Maggie, Bernie, Peter, Joe and brothers-in-law Paddy, John and Danny, his loving nieces, nephews, extended relatives, neighbours and wide circle of friends.

Requiescat in Pace.

Funeral Arrangements.

The earthly remains of Mr Tobin will repose at Dermot Ronan’s Funeral Home, Ballingarry (SR), Thurles, on Tuesday afternoon, February 11th, from 5:00pm until 7:30pm same evening.
His remains will be received into the Church of the Assumption, Ballingarry (SR), Thurles, to further repose for Requiem Mass on Wednesday morning at 11:30am, followed by interment, immediately afterwards, in the adjoining graveyard.

The extended Tobin family wish to express their appreciation for your understanding at this difficult time, and have made arrangements for those persons wishing to send messages of condolence, to use the link shown HERE.