
Thurles Town Centre – Realigned Without Planning Permission.

At first, we thought it was caused by storm Éowyn, but then we heard that it was possible that proposed notion (or was it motion, whatever), put forward last December, by Fine Gael Tipperary Cllr. Ms Peggy Ryan; latter seeking more short term parking in the centre of Thurles, that had suddenly materialised.
But not so, on making enquiries, (facts not yet fully confirmed) it appears that one of the many heavy goods vehicles, laden with some 3500 kg (3.5 Metric tons) of produce; all of which are forced to pass daily through Liberty Square town centre, simply ran out of narrow road, while attempting to progress unto Slievenanon Road.

Railings removed for the second time, on entering Slievenamon Road from Liberty Square.
Picture: G. Willoughby.

Thankfully, no Latte Coffee drinking pedestrians, normally seated in this general area, were killed or injured and the rate-paying businesses will happily have no problem in paying for the damaged railings. Engineers who came up with the farcical and ill-conceived planning of this area will not be found financially liable. Sadly however our one remaining local Thurles TD (we learned today) will no longer have speaking rights in Dáil Éireann, to ask for an update on funding for the 50 year old awaited ‘Ring Road’, latter the answer to this ongoing demolition problem.

Railings removed last August for the 4th time and not yet repaired.
Picture: G. Willoughby.

However, look on the bright side; one additional benefit has come out of this latest piece of demolition work. Both sides of this junction, entering and exiting unto Liberty Square, are now almost a perfect match, thus greatly enhancing the Thurles town centre.

Major Angry Opposition To Proposed Thurles Windfarm.

Major opposition, grave concerns and extreme anger has irrupted, due to a planning application for a wind-farm on the outskirts of Thurles town, at townlands of Brittas, Rossestown, Ballygammane and Clobanna.
The planning application provides for 10 to 12 X 185m high turbines, together with an accompanying battery farm, latter to store electricity, same to be generated by this proposed project.

These turbines to be erected, we understand, reach some 170 metres (590 feet) in height, (e.g. five times the height of Thurles Cathedral), and would introduce a massive invasion of towering infrastructure overlooking the town and surrounding countryside.

The proposed wind turbines are expected to generate/export at least 60 million watts, if erected in the nearby townlands of Brittas, Rossestown and Clobanna, all situated less than a 5 to 10 minute drive north of Thurles town. We understand that the plans include an underground cable connection to the national electricity grid.

The now launched Brittas Wind Farm and Ballygammane Battery Farm Action Group have begun an online campaign in their effort to fundraise some €10,000, same required to oppose this planning, now ruled as a Strategic Infrastructure Development (SID) by An Bord Pleanála.

Proposed Storage Battery Farm.

In May of last year the planning appeals board ruled that the Brittas wind farm project constituted a Strategic Infrastructure Development, requiring Brittas Windfarm Limited, to submit their plans directly to An Bord Pleanála.

The newly formed Brittas and Ballygammane action group held a public protest meeting on Wednesday last, January 15th, at which it was agreed that a target of €10,000 could be reached if 100 individuals donated €100. Within the last 10 days, the action group, has already generated over €5,320 in donations and further donations of even small amounts will be greatly appreciated. Funds collected will be strictly used towards paying consultants to make the town’s case to An Bord Pleanála, thus bringing a halt to this threat of a wind farm development and its associated battery storage farm.

Concerns were expressed at the meeting, regarding the downgrading of local property values, construction disruption, visual impact, noise, flicker impact and the immediate obvious repercussion on this area’s environment.

At the protest meeting there was also a major concern expressed that a battery farm, of some 48 battery storage units, now proposed for the Ballygammane townland, could go on fire; with the impact of this on Thurles and surrounding villages visualised as being immense, while this project financially benefits only a few individuals.

NOTE: Link to gofundme page HERE.

See Brittas Windfarm Plans and Environmental impact assessment report HERE.

Thurles Planning Application.

Development Address: Part of 8 and 9 and all of 10 to 13 Parnell Street, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

Planning application details: Ref: File 257, (Tipperary County Council).

Application Type: Permission for Retention.

Received Date: 22/01/2025.

Decision Due Date: 18/03/2025.

Applicant name: Rossa Drinks Ltd.

Development Description:

(1) Revisions to the internal layout of the public house at the dining area, associated kitchen facilities and toilet facilities.
(2) Shopfront design on the Parnell Street facade fronting the dining area of the public house.
(3) Revised layout of the 1st floor residential unit over the public house including rear balcony with access to enclosed yard space at the rear of 8 and 9 Parnell St, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.
(4) Change of use of the enclosed rear yard space (at the rear of 8 and 9 Parnell Street, Thurles) to yard space for storage for both the public house and the 1st floor residential unit and the existing buildings to storage buildings associated with the public house.
(5) A roofed structure providing a sheltered yard space at the rear of the public house.
(6) Change of use of an existing outbuilding adjacent to the sheltered yard space to use as a small service hatch and associated storage rooms.