Today, on TippFM local radio we learn, through an interview with local elected Independent Cllr. Mr Jim Ryan, that a major upgrade of the road surface and footpaths on Kickham Street, Thurles are likely to start maybe next August 2024.
According to Cllr. Mr Ryan, some residents of the area have complained of loose chippings, latter flying up into their houses and gardens. He failed to mention the double glazed window broken by flying gravel; the rotting door timbers on houses; school pupils and adult pedestrians being struck by flying gravel and their wet clothing, same soaked by the torrents of water flowing past blocked shores.
Truth is Cllr. Mr Ryan resides just one mile from this area, same easily the busiest entrance and exit in and out of Thurles town centre.

So, how many times has Thurles.Info contacted Tipperary Co. Council, Mr Joe MacGrath (Chief Executive) and Thurles Municipal District Council, Ms Sharon Scully (Thurles Administrator) together with locally elected councillors?
Note: Dates that Thurles.Info highlighted this issue before reading the published links, shown hereunder, starting in 2021, with video and undeniable photographic evidence provided.
Note Also: You are going to be asked to vote; to return some of those who have neglected our community, back into office again in the coming weeks.
February, 23rd, 2021,
July 23rd, 2021,
February, 13th, 2022,
May 10th, 2023,
November, 19th, 2023,
May 10th, 2023,
May 12th, 2023,
May 13th, 2023,
September, 27th, 2023,
November 19th, 2023,
November 23rd, 2023,
January 3rd, 2024,
Cllr Mr Ryan failed to state that Thurles Municipal District Administrator Ms Sharon Scully (twice invited to view this area); and Director of Services Roads/Transportation and Active Travel, Mr Marcus O’Connor, both failed/refused to correspond to numerous emails forwarded to them, between February, 23rd, 2021 and January 3rd, 2024.
Under the guidance of Local engineer, Mr Thomas Duffy, his staff, in a way observed by locals as being foolish, unreasonable and even amusing, (using what appeared to be a Stihl TS420 14in Cut-Off Consaw), cut a 3.81 centimetre (1.5in inch) wide channel to allow water to flow from one pothole into another. View Here to observe the undeniable evidence and see picture immediately hereunder.

Residents in the area can now email to express their total dissatisfaction with Tipperary Co. Council, We ask those corresponding with the customer service desk to please use the reference T-241140-T0G1, latter set up by Thurles.Info, in any future correspondence. See email hereunder, sent from Customer Service Desk
Dear George
Thank you for your e-mail (Received March 14th) regarding ” Kickham Street Thurles “
I have forwarded your e-mail to the Thurles District Office for their attention and direct reply to you. (Got no reply from Thurles District Office). Should you wish to follow up on this case, please contact Customer Service Desk, quoting reference number T-241140-T0G1
Customer Service Desk,
Tipperary County Council,
Civic Offices, Clonmel / Civic Offices, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary.
Fianna Fáil TD Mr Jackie Cahill, who uses this road at least 4 times each week, in criticizing his own Political Party, may just be right. “Fianna Fáil have stopped listening to the ‘Ordinary People’,” (whoever they are). Mr Jackie Cahill, readers will be aware, is the TD who recently brought a deputation to meet Mr Jack Chambers TD, (Minister of State at the Department of Transport), and failed to get even a future committment to build a ‘Thurles Ring Road‘, first sought 50 years ago.
Independent TD and government supporter Mr Michael Lowry also uses this roadway, and both TDs, who reside in Thurles, should be thoroughly ashamed, and embarrassed, because of their total inaction on this matter.
In an email forwarded to the Minister for Environment, Climate and Communications, Mr Eamon Ryan, (, and the Minister for Finance, Mr Michael McGrath, (, Thurles.Info has now asked how residents in this area can appeal against their Local Property Tax, same forcibly removed from the incomes of persons residing on Kickham Street, and whose homes, which have been continuously damaged over the past three years, due to a lack of basic road repair. The request, sent 12 days ago on March 14th last, we now eagerly await a response.
We can be forgiven for believing that Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) now govern this troubled country, which is totally lacking in governmental leadership.
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