
Thief Steals From Grave in St. Patrick’s Cemetery During Covid-19 Lockdown

“Every action has a consequence”.

If you’ve read this headline in disbelief, trust me when I say that my whole family also share your shock, disbelief and horror.

Replica of the medium sized unusual ‘Terracotta Basket’ container and the area it was wrenched from on the grave site
Basket container photographed last week.

Sadly, it would appear that among us continue to walk those who have absolutely no respect for anyone or anything, least of all my deceased wife lying in her final resting place in St. Patricks cemetery in Thurles.

The vast majority of us take our civic responsibility seriously and with the latest wave of restrictions, as with everything else, we had reduced the number of times we visited our lost loved one’s resting place.

Disturbingly, certain individuals are taking advantage of our country’s crisis and using this time as a pathetic opportunity to steal pots and plants from the graves of our deceased family members.


The monetary value of these items is relatively little, €3.50 for the common garden purple ‘Aubrieta’ creeper, and €20.00 for the medium sized unusual ‘Terracotta Basket’ container, but the sentimental value is priceless. (See pictures)

This act of vandalism, theft and disrespect shown, has caused immeasurable anguish and distress to my family. We regard the theft from any person’s grave as among the most abhorrent acts of sheer selfishness and thoughtlessness.

Shame on the perpetrator of this most pathetic and disrespectful crime.

If anyone has any information regarding this latest theft from St. Patrick’s cemetery or you have been the victim of a similar theft, please now contact or Thurles Gardaí. Tel: (0504) 25100.

Have you observed over the past number of days this unusual ‘Terracotta Basket’ container, filled with purple ‘Aubrieta’ creeper, decorating the front or back garden of someone’s house. The ‘Terracotta Basket’, taken from my wife’s grave, can be easily identified by markings.

A considerable reward, well above the value of the items stolen, is available to any person who can identify the thief involved.


4 comments to Thief Steals From Grave in St. Patrick’s Cemetery During Covid-19 Lockdown

  • Catherine Fogarty

    George, I can only imagine the upset. Totally disgraceful behaviour. I sincerely hope that someone will recognise it and get it returned. And identify the thief.

  • George Willoughby

    Unlikely Catherine, but thank you for your kind comment.

  • Michael

    The thief must be from another planet, normal Irish would not behave like that.

  • Ursula Paine

    And some poor mammy is thinking “wasn’t that a lovely Mother’s Day present just the same”.

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