Not everyone, particularly elderly people, have burglar alarms and CCTV cameras. Elderly people, finding younger family members no longer residing and working out of the family home, actually fear new security technology more than that opportunistic and often drug fuelled criminal, latter so often assisted nowadays by our fast, yet welcome Irish motorway.
Back in mid-March 2018, we spoke of a new, welcome, and much needed House-Sitting Service, which then had been conceived here in Co. Tipperary.
Most people in 2020 are very much aware that certain criminal elements are now using information gleaned from Facebook, other social media outlets, and local newspaper reports. Not everyone reading R.I.P. are using this valuable site to sympathise with the families of the deceased; rather instead to identify the Addresses and Eircode’s of private homes, farms and private businesses, each left temporarily unattended, due to, not just funerals, but also the ever popular 3 day wedding celebration and that well-earned weekend away or annual holiday.
Back then, we pointed out that those attending such above named events could do so in the clear and secure knowledge that a competent, trustworthy individual was inside their property, for the time they were forced to leave their home and private possessions, e.g. jewellery, computers and TV equipment, and yes, parked cars, left unattended in the home’s vicinity now being monitored.
With news a bit slow last week here on Thurles. Info., we took the time out to check out the success of this Garda approved “House Minding Service” on offer in the county, and from the reports we have received to date, already this welcome service is proving invaluable, not just within the Co. Tipperary area, but in counties Cork; Waterford; Laois; Wexford and Dublin.
Reports which we have gleaned from identified previous users of this very necessary, private, urban and rural service; all declare, without hesitation, that they have found this amenity to be totally professional, while operating with discretion and offering total confidentially. Some clients confirm that in fact this service had thwarted some possibly unsavoury incidents and indeed had surprised a few “Innocent back door callers” and “Casual furniture buying merchants”.
We are happy to relate that this “House Minding Service” is presently showing continuous growth and while themselves were unwilling to discuss their operations in any great detail; those involved claim they are happy with their current progress, which initially was slow to get started. Today, their services are most in demand during times of bereavement, with nearby neighbours using the service afterwards; based on the word-of-mouth reports from previous users.
To communicate with this highly recommended “House-Sitting Service” simply Phone Mobile No: (086) 6051189, and arrange to meet a member of this service, where possible, prior to your upcoming special or other event.
NOTE: We would advise readers to take this opportunity to make a permanent note of the Contact Phone Number, (shown directly above), for inclusion in their own personal contacts, currently held on their mobile phone.
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