Liberty Square, Thurles.
Journalist, award winning poet, playwright and short story writer, Mr Tom Ryan, (formerly of No. 11 Fianna Road, Thurles and No. 30 Kennedy Park, Thurles), now residing at “Iona”, Rahealty, Thurles, Co. Tipperary, has decided to share with us his most recent piece of poetry.
The poem reflects on the present beauty of the area, known locally as the “Watery Mall”; its past historical influence, reminding us that time passes quickly, and with life, perhaps there are a collection of moments that are not necessarily ours to keep.
[ Note, those of our readers who are not familiar with the authors work, can find his three hugely popular books, depicting Thurles and Co. Tipperary, on sale in Bookworm, Liberty Square, Thurles and Easons in Thurles Shopping Centre, Thurles. This Thurles Town Trilogy comprises :- “Cherry Blossoms“; “Light-hearted Tales from the Watery Mall“, and “A Fair in the Square“. ]
In Thurles Town Park By The Suir. By Author & Poet Tom Ryan (June 2017).
As a prayer, quiet and restful,
Summer evening in the Park,
Near the ancient castle of the Normans and the Ursuline bridge,
Down the Mall,
Cathedral carillon, soft, tranquil and melodious, fills the air.In life’s defining moments,
By generations heard,
At all our beginnings and our end.
In harmony with the murmuring waters
Of the Suir of Maritana
By Wallace in beauty, love and moments such as this conceived.
To lovers lying languid on the grass this time’s young forever,
As joyously they whisper the sweet mysterious love of being that sings,
Oblivious as the gliding silent swans of the river
Of what the future brings.But mindful of the moment magical as Heaven hails,
The vast mysterious splendour of their youthful age,
Old folks ponder the western sky and the declining sun.
By the bridge, beside the ducks near Thomond Road.
Sit and smile the while,
Remembering times, kin and friends
That never shall return.Memories of a perfect yesteryear in times simple, poor, but good and
happy all the same.
In the playground children skyward swing to the stars and brave impossibilities.
Between old St. Patrick’s College and where townsfolk play or stroll,
Brave boys and girls skateboard, wheel and whirl
To life’s exciting adventure,
And water hens and birds from out the rushes
Steal the twilight.
Voices of distant nations, many miles from Dempsey’s Square, I hear
Peace and gentleness is everywhere.So, hearing the silence of my soul
And listening in this mysterious world of Nature, blessed by Beauty in
this Heaven- scented place, I am so happy,
And know in times of trouble and of strife,
This blessed place is in my heart for life.
Beautiful beyond all worldly word
As always I remember
What now I’ve seen and felt and heard.
I like it .