
Parents Register For Under Six Universal Free GP Care

HSEParents / Guardians of Tipperary children aged under six years may now register same for free GP care as and from today, with free GP care services being made available with effect from July 1st 2015.

The Health Service Executive (HSE) recommends that all parents or guardians who now wish to register their siblings should go directly to the registration systems page on the website

We understand that this website is currently receiving huge volumes of traffic (Over 60 applications per minute) and has already crashed several times, however the HSE are assuring those attempting access that there is still plenty of time to register.

Lists of doctors who have signed up to providing this contract service are now also available here on this website. However the lowest number of GP’s agreeing to participate (just 8% or 4 doctors), appear to reside in South Tipperary.  Tipperary North/ East Limerick currently are signed up to 56% (22 doctors), none I hasten to add today, as yet display Thurles addresses. Parents therefore who cannot find their local GP’s name on this contract list are advised to contact their normal GP’s practice directly.

Free GP care for under-sixes is the first stage in a promised roll-out of Universal Free GP care, with those over 70 years expected to be included from possibly August 2015 next.


1 comment to Parents Register For Under Six Universal Free GP Care

  • Michael

    Cromwell passed a series of Penal Laws against Roman Catholics.They are now being passed against the poor of Ireland. Can TD’S and Millionaires etc, get free GP care for their kids.

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