
Thurles Municipal District Council Continue To Promote Unsightly Littering.

The litter scattered about Liberty Square, in Thurles this evening is, to say the very least, nothing short of being despicable and execrable, all due solely to both the quality and quantity of the litter bins provided, not to mention poor administration.

Contrary to a statement made by Thurles Municipal District Councillors (TMDC) Mr Seamus Hanafin (Cathaoirleach) and Mr Jim Ryan; latter who last weekend falsely accused their electorate of littering Liberty Square in Thurles; this weekend this same area once again remains a litter disaster area, with no effort made to correct the issue, despite knowing 26,000 hurling fans would be visiting Semple Stadium.

Yes, we noted the extra solitary blue domestic litter bin chained to a parking sign. (Not sure who made this latter effort, but we suspect it wasn’t TMDC).

When, staff are out and about tomorrow with their €15 “Grip & Grab Litter Pickers”, maybe someone might bring a spanner in their arse pocket, to correct the direction of three parking signs in the square; all of which point in the wrong direction and two of which relate to now invisible disabled spaces, outside the Ursuline Primary school building.

Perhaps someone might also remind our district administrator that over this weekend two further street lights have begun burning day & night, courtesy of Airtricity. This brings the number of 24 hour burning street lights, in Thurles town centre, to 29 in total, with 25 of these burning for well over three months.

Once again, remind me, “Why are we paying Property Tax?


1 comment to Thurles Municipal District Council Continue To Promote Unsightly Littering.

  • John Fogarty

    I passed through Thurles this evening at 7.15pm nothing short of scandalous the lack of bins.
    No good saying take your rubbish home, how do you put a pizza box and a few bottles in your jeans pocket.
    Saw several people lob bottles over hedges and walls.
    It is only common sense to provide few large industrial bins and have them collected around 9:00 pm when crowd cleared.
    I’m sure the businesses paid handsomely in their rates and licensing arrangements and it was a complete failure by Council to not have a cleanup in place.

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