
Happy Easter To All Our Readers – Thurles.Info

“Through These Trials Of Life I Find
Another Voice Inside My Mind “

The Easter holiday period usually provokes a feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness, what with children and third level students on extended holidays, while employees and many self-employed persons look forward to taking advantage of the year’s longest holiday weekend.

However, with the world covid-19 pandemic here in our Emerald Isle, which forced our schools to close ahead of time and ruined all of our travel plans, the 2020 bank holidays period has now taken on a different experience.

As my grandmother, Eliza Jane, used to state, “Man makes plans and God laughs”.

Trust everyone, where possible, put a light in their window last night, to honour all our sick, those who have lost their lives, our brave front-line staff, the homeless and those healthcare workers; all operating during this difficult Covid-19 pandemic.

Working together this pandemic will be over soon and hopefully we can all return to normal, having hopefully learned many new lessons regarding our daily interaction with others.

In the meantime stay safe, stay at home and enjoy Easter.

May we here, at Thurles.Info wish you, our readers a very Happy Easter.

Above All Stay Safe


2 comments to Happy Easter To All Our Readers – Thurles.Info

  • Michael

    Happy Easter to you and family George

  • Katie

    Happy Easter to you Michael and George and all our Thurles friends.
    Now Michael here is a lovely story. Sean one of our seniors from Dublin.
    emailed me last night to let me know. He got so bored from being in isolation for the past 2 weeks, he decided to contact his old school in Dublin. He left the School in 1955. He was a sole singer in the choir. Surprise, he is over the moon, he got an email back from them. Well Michael that put a smile on his face and cheered him up a lot. Keep the Faith ‘As Sean always say’s.

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