Common Buzzard
A second case of Bird Flu, this year, has been found in a wild bird in Co Tipperary. The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine has announced that the subtype H5N6 strain of avian influenza was detected in a dead Common Buzzard, latter found near Terryglass on lands adjacent Lough Derg.
The Health Service Executive (HSE), Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HSE-HPSC) and the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC) all advise that the risk to public health from H5N6 avian influenza strain is very low and that the disease poses no risk to food safety for consumers. Nevertheless owners of poultry flocks are being asked by the Department to minimise access to wild birds by feeding their poultry indoors and under cover. The Department of Agriculture also confirms that the situation in Ireland and other EU countries in regard to Avian influenza is being kept under constant review.
N.B. As a further precaution, the Department have advised that only trained professionals equipped with personal protective equipment should collect dead or sick birds, and have warned that members of the general public should not touch any dead birds they locate; as avian influenza, is a viral infection and can indeed infect humans and other animals. Do remember, in 2006, over 100 persons died from the H5N1 strain of the Avian Influenza.
An early warning system remains in place with organisations including the National Parks and Wildlife Service, Birdwatch Ireland, and the National Association of Regional Game Councils, seeking increased surveillance for signs of this disease in our wild birds.
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