Last Sunday week the newest Tobacco Products Directive came into force, however experts are somewhat concerned that these latest regulations will force prices of e-cigs to greatly increase, thus putting smokers off switching from regular tobacco cigarettes to the electronic variety.
Vaping is the process of smoking e-cigarettes, which allows a person to inhale nicotine without most of the other toxic chemicals and harmful substances (See hereunder) contained in tobacco and cigarette smoke.

Contents of Cigarette Smoke
Retailers had been given good time, until May 20th 2017, to sell all stock not in compliance with the newest labelling and product composition requirements of the previous 2016 regulations.
New rules now in force will result in an overhaul of product features and e-liquid flavours, but the main regulations and restrictions that must be complied with will include:-
(A) Maximum tank capacity of 2ml. (Previously a typical tank size was 5ml.)
(B) Liquids sold will require that each ingredient is thoroughly tested prior to sale, with additives banned to include colouring, caffeine and taurine.
(C) Maximum refill containers can not exceed 10ml.
(D) A maximum nicotine strength of 20mg.
(E) E-cigarette advertisements on TV, radio, in newspapers and magazines will be banned. Sponsorship will be tightly controlled and packaging must include a health warning that covers 30% of the surface.
(F) Unless registered as a medicine, e-liquids cannot have a nicotine strength of more than 20mg/ml.
Smoking in Ireland is reckoned to cost the Irish health service €460 million annually, while tobacco smoking remains a major cause of addiction, ill health and death. An estimated 840,000 of our population, aged from 15 years and over, are addicted to tobacco. It is estimated that approximately 6,000 people die every year from tobacco related illnesses.
Keep in mind that one pack of 20 cigarettes purchased each day represents €11.50 per day – €80.50 per week – €322.00 per month, – €3864.00 per year, so if we all quit we could afford to buy a second house.
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