Cathedral of The Assumption, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.
People & Priests Group, Thurles Parish, Report.
“This year we celebrate Mission Sunday on October 23rd 2016 and Thurles Parish would like to mark this day in a very special way.
Over the years many sons and daughters of Thurles have been inspired by the Spirit of the Gospel and have taken that big leap into the unknown. These natives of Thurles have left family, friends and the comfort of home to go abroad and be the hands and feet of Jesus here on Earth, bringing God’s Mercy to the ends of the world.
These inspiring individuals have served both the physical and spiritual needs of people all over the world, making a very real difference in the lives of some of the poorest people on the planet.
We in Thurles Parish now wish to acknowledge and celebrate all of these local heroes. We are asking the people of Thurles to find out all they can about a family connection to the missions or overseas volunteers. They can be from religious orders or lay volunteers. They may have served their entire lives abroad, or volunteered for a short time abroad. We wish to celebrate them all, young or old, living or deceased. We wish to bring together all of this information in one place and display it at the back of the Church on Mission Sunday, 23rd of October.
To this end we are looking for the following pieces of information…
1) Name of the Missionary/ Volunteer.
2) Where they served.
3) Duration of their service.
4) Connection to your family.
5) Photo of the Missionary/ Volunteer if possible.
We would be very thankful if you could drop the above pieces of information into our Parish Centre, situated on Cathedral Street, on or before Friday 14th October 2016 and to come along and celebrate our local missionaries on Sunday 23rd October.”
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