Following a meeting last month with a representative from the Thurles Tourism Group ‘Hidden Tipperary,’ and called by the Minister of State at the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport Mr Alan Kelly TD, an open meeting of Tourism Service Providers are now invited to meet directly with the Minister, in St.Mary’s Famine Museum at 5.30pm on Thursday, December 5th, 2013 next.
Those providing Tourism Service, e.g. Restaurant owners, Fast Food providers, Publicans, Travel Agents, Accommodation providers (Both B&B and Hotel) and those providing /managing local visitor attractions, are all invited to be in attendance.
Those expected to be in attendance will include representation from Lar na Pairce GAA Museum, St.Mary’s Famine Museum, Slattery Museum, Upperchurch Development Association, Hayes Hotel, Cabragh Wetlands Development Group, Holycross Tourism Group, Una Ryan of Marketing Eye, Thurles Chamber of Commerce and Tipperary Tourism Board, to name but a few.
Thurles Town Must Continue To Progress – A Lot Done, More To Do In The Coming Year
The Minister is anxious to hear from those in attendance, new constructive ideas which could lead to job growth and greater tourism traffic in the Thurles and greater surrounding areas.
The venue, St.Mary’s Famine Museum was decided as an appropriate meeting place to enable unfamiliar Tourism Service providers to observe at first hand an attractions readily available to their visitors and situated on their front door. Similar future meetings are expected be organised with Lar na Pairce, Upperchurch, Holycross and Cabragh Wetlands etc.
The Minister is hoping that by this meeting an umbrella group, formally non existent, can now be formed which will work closely together to improve the tourism sector in Thurles and surrounding areas and has committed himself to adding his shoulder to the wheel where possible, in an effort to progress local tourism needs.
The Hidden Tipperary Tourism group state that they strongly support and welcome Minister Kelly’s initiative and look forward to working closely with his department.
It is now hoped that as many Tourism Service Providers as possible will turn out to meet with the Minister.
Directions To Thurles Famine Museum.
(Click on Icon on Map hereunder for Directions & type present position in Box A provided underneath Map.)
Well done to the people who have continued to lobby for this meeting. I sincerely hope that their voice is heard.
To give him his just dues – The meeting was called by Minister Kelly himself. So we will see how things progress. His intervention has been of considerable help to St Mary’s recently unlike some Local Councillor I could name who choose to use Nenagh Heritage Centre to portrait Thurles & himself on video at a cost of a reported €2,500 paid for by Thurles Urban Council. Will discuss later.