
Tourism Figures – “Lies, Damned Lies And Statistics”

csoA shout of “hurrah,” deafened this country, coming from the Internet searching Press Reporters of Ireland today.

For according to the Central Statistics Office (CSO), figures, published on-line this week, more than 30,000 extra visitors came to Ireland in the period December 2012 – February 2013.

These marvellous, encouraging new figures from the CSO could indicate that tourist numbers actually did grow over the period December 2012 – February 2013, as the Government’s ‘The Gathering,‘ initiative got under-way.

Per the CSO, in the period December 2012 – February 2013, the total number of trips undertaken to Ireland increased by 2.6% to 1,176,100 – an overall increase of 30,200 bodies, compared to the same period twelve months earlier.

The present Government is aiming to attract 325,000 more tourists to Ireland this year. None, I hasten to add, have materialized here in Thurles, or indeed North Tipperary, to any great degree this year to date.

Can these CSO figures be accurately proven or should they be categorised under a heading, which is attributed to the 19th-century British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli (1804–1881,) by the American author and humorist Mark Twain, the former who supposedly stated “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.

Emigration from Ireland in the twelve months to April 2012 is estimated to have increased to 87,100 from 80,600 in the year to April 2011. Add another 10,000 at least to these figures to keep us in line with 2013 figures not yet presented.

The question must now be asked, purely to curb the use of statistics being used to bolster weak arguments; “How many of these so called ‘extra visitors,‘ were simply these same former, forced emigrants returning from abroad for a brief spell, to be with their families for the Christmas season, before returning back into exile, where paid work for them is more easily available?

Forgive the humour, but in this country “The problem with unemployment is that it’s not working.”

Are the Irish people & hence the world, being drip-fed with the fertiliser normally attributed to the nourishing of the Mushroom Crop, grown in the darkness of a producers poly-tunnel ?

As my once wise old granny used to say, after I had retrieved the hurling ball, before she discovered the smashed window pane “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” In other words, as in a mathematical formula: “Travel,” implies “Visitor,” but “Visitor,” is false, therefore “Travel,” is false.

Anyone care to discuss?


3 comments to Tourism Figures – “Lies, Damned Lies And Statistics”

  • Rory Mac Mahon

    Yeah your logic at the end is flawed.

    Travelling to a place doesn’t necessarily imply that you are a visitor to that place. One could be traveling home from a holiday or a job in another country.

    Speaking of which I should probably think about packing my bag.

  • Katie O.Connell. Knott (Ryan)

    George.”A very happy and holy Easter to you and all your readers” You will laugh when you read this and you might remember me writing to you about this. I send, to Eamon Gilmore TD in September 2012, an email asking for information on behalf of one of our Irish elderly ex-pat’s who was planning on returning to Ireland to retire. “hurrah” I received an answer on the 25th March 2013 note the year? Its just as well I have the brains and the means to try other ways of getting this information for my Association and not relying on them. What sort of Government is in Ireland and the Irish Embassy in Canberra is a joke. I can feel your frustration about the Tourism Figures. I get the same when I go into these travel agents here. George we are tying to get some posters up and running about Thurles and Cashel and surrounding areas and what these beautiful places with so much history have to offer. What do you think if I ask the Thurles Library for help or maybe you or one of your readers could put me on the right road in finding out where I can get good size posters. I would like to get these posters up in the travel agents here on the Gold Coast it would be great. Goodness knows they bombard myself and my computer with enough stuff about cheap holidays to other country’s. Your help will be very much appreciated George.

  • Katie, “A very happy and holy Easter, also, to you and all your family & friends.” I will contact Failte Eireann, however it is unlikely they have posters of Tipperary.

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