
Anonymous Hacker Group Target Irish Websites

Anonymous Group Target Ireland

In the wake of last week’s revolt against the Stop Online Piracy (SOPA) Act and Protect IP (PIPA) Act, there’s a fascinating battle starting to unfold here in Ireland, as activists promise to attack the Irish Department of Justice website and other government websites today in protest.

This appears to be happening as I write. Internet activist group “Anonymous” has carried out many online attacks against high-profile websites for some time now and are promising to hack the Irish Department of Justice website, tonight in a recent ‘tweet.’

The threat comes following Sean Sherlock, Minister for Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation, announcing he intends to enact a radical new law curtailing access to websites in Ireland, without a vote in the Oireachtas.

Within the last few minutes is also gone down, and a list has been posted on the internet of all TD’s Telephone numbers inviting you to contact them to voice your opposition to this Irish SOPA bill.


1 comment to Anonymous Hacker Group Target Irish Websites

  • Thurles Resident

    “The threat comes following Sean Sherlock, Minister for Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation, announcing he intends to enact a radical new law curtailing access to websites in Ireland, without a vote in the Oireachtas.”

    I mean really.. who the hell does Sean Sherlock think he is ?? Another gombeen politician thinking he knows it all, even thinking of rubber stamping this is pure idiotic.

    This sopa bill is clearly opposed for obvious reasons. Has this “idiot” even viewed or read the actual details of the bill ?? Has he any idea what this will entail ?? Im raging that people have even voted this clown in..

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