
Price Comparisons At Thurles Supermarkets

Take care of the pennies and the pounds will take care of themselves” my dear old Grandmother used to warn me.

Shoppers, particularly the elderly, do not always have the time to compare prices and with this in mind, we decided to undertake our own ‘Independent Survey‘ of our four top Supermarkets here in Thurles, to find out the actual price differences on six basic food items.

Hereunder is the ‘state of play’ found on Wednesday 8th September 2010.

Own Brand Bread: White Sliced Pan.
Lidl @ €0.79, Tesco @ €0.95, Dunnes Stores @ €1.09, Aldi @ €1.09.
Cheapest: Lidl.

Aldi Wins by 25%

Own Brand Milk: 2 litres.
Tesco @ €1.49, Dunnes Stores @ €1.49, Lidl @ €1.49, Aldi @ €1.49.
Cheapest: No difference.

Own Brand Butter.
Aldi @ €1.09, Tesco @ €1.79, Dunnes Stores @ €1.79, Lidl @ €1.79.
Cheapest: Aldi.

Cereals – Cornflakes.
Aldi @ €0.85, Lidl @ €1.59, Tesco @ €2.19, Dunnes Stores @ €2.19.
Cheapest: Aldi.

Own Brand Tea Bags
Tesco @ €1.39, Lidl @ €1.49, Aldi @ €1.69, Dunnes Stores @ €2.19.
Cheapest: Tesco.

Own Brand Eggs
Lidl @ €1.11, Aldi @ €1.49, Dunnes Stores @ €1.59, Tesco @ €1.85.
Cheapest: Lidl.

Note: Customer Service and Hygiene in all four stores – Excellent.

Based on this survey of six items your check-out receipt, yesterday, from these four leading quality Supermarkets would have read as follows:-

Aldi – €7.70 (Cheapest),Lidl -€8.26,Tesco –€9.66,Dunnes Stores -€10.34 (Most Expensive).

According to my aging calculator the difference between most expensive and cheapest is:- €2.64 or almost 25%.

This weekly saving for a person living alone, over a one year period, amounts to €137.28 or possibly the cost of a two months electricity bill or €22.72 short of paying your annual TV licence.

As I said to the wife “Boys didn’t me ould granny know her onions, what?”

If you have experienced good value in shops recently, why not share with our readers?  We would love to hear from you.


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