
Livestock Shot Near Killoscully, Newport, Co. Tipperary.

Gardaí are understood to be currently investigating the shooting of livestock, which took place in Co. Tipperary, between Friday April 5th and Sunday April 7th last.

Two farm animals, a cow and a bull, were shot in a field in the townslands of Lackabrack near the tiny village of Killoscully, located approximately 8 kilometres (5 mls) northeast of Newport, Co. Tipperary.

The cow has died as a result of the incident and while the bull has survived, it is expected that same may have to be put down.

It is also understood that just one bullet penetrated both animals, striking the the cow first before entering the second animal.

It is thought that the shooting may have been accidental and to this end, Gardaí are particularly anxious to confirm if any individual may have been hunting in the area over that weekend and have invited hunters in that area to make themselves known.

In January this year (2024) a man sustained a gunshot wound to the arm, following a similar incident at a sports venue near the village of Rear Cross in Co Tipperary.


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