
Major Confusion Over Progress On Thurles Inner Relief Road, Following Fianna Fáil Press Release.

  • Major confusion over progress on Thurles Inner Relief Road, following a press release by Fianna Fail TD Jackie Cahill yesterday.
  • The confusion arises over whether we believe Tipperary TD Mr Cahill; Tipperary Co. Council; Local Fianna Fáil Councillor Mr Seamus Hanafin or Local Independent Councillor Mr Michéal Lowry.

According to Cllr. Mr Hanafin and Cllr. Mr Lowry, in a report on TipperaryLive, Cllr. Hanafin requested “an update on land acquisition, saying it was a vital piece of infrastructure for Thurles”, while Cllr Lowry said “People want clarity, and the council should be able to make a plan. An inner relief road will be a very important piece of the jigsaw for relieving some of the traffic issues in the town”.
Meanwhile, on radio, Cllr. Hanafin has confirmed that €75,000 had been allocated for the Thurles Inner Relief Road, under the Regional and Local Roads Programme which will allow the design phase to progress. Same announcement had been made by Minister Eamon Ryan (Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport) earlier on Tuesday March 28th, 2023.
Minister for Transport, Mr Eamon Ryan also announced in the previous month (February 2023), details of a €626 million investment programme for 2023, for regional and local roads, with Co. Tipperary to receive €33.5M for 2023; none of which was allocated for a Thurles Inner Relief Road.

Thurles Inner Relief Road – the project denied by deceitful elected representatives and officials.

Meanwhile, the Tipperary County Councils Management Report To Council – Dated just 6 weeks ago – June 2023 states on page 12. [Readers may view PDF at bottom of page by clicking HERE ]

Inner Relief Road Thurles. Inner Relief Road is a proposed local link between the N62 and the Mill Road.
Progress to date:
The proposed scheme comprises approximately 1.1km of new road with: a signalised junction on the Slievenamon Road at the Clongour Road junction; a new priority junction with Mill Road and, 5 no. intermediate priority junctions to provide access; a 50-metre span tied bowstring arch crossing the River Suir; public lighting; and flood alleviation works along the River Suir.
This scheme is on the NDP and DoT approval will be required to allow it to go to detailed design. Lidl has completed construction of a section of the road for access to new store.

Next Stage:
Secure funding to deliver the Inner Relief Road project and finalise land acquisition.

Then came the press release yesterday August 16th, from Mr Jackie Cahill.

His press release read as follows; same forwarded by Mr Cahill’s Parliamentary Assistant Mr Ryan O’Meara.

Thurles Inner Relief Road: “It’s time for TII to get out of the way and do their job” – Jackie Cahill TD.

Thurles TD Jackie Cahill has called on Transport Infrastructure Ireland to stop stalling on the Thurles Inner Relief Road and to allow it to proceed to construction.
Deputy Cahill’s intervention comes following a serious accident in Thurles yesterday afternoon, where a pedestrian was seriously injured while crossing Liberty Square.
Speaking on this today, the Fianna Fáil TD said: “Yesterday afternoon, a serious incident took place on Liberty Square in Thurles where a pedestrian crossing the Square was involved in an accident with a heavy goods vehicle. This is the third serious accident to take place on Liberty Square in a short period of time.
“I secured the inclusion of the Thurles Inner Relief Road in the updated National Development Plan under this Government, with the assistance of Minister Michael McGrath. The money is there to construct this road and it is now well past time for TII to stop dragging their heels on this project.
“TII do not see the Thurles Inner Relief Road as a priority. It is time for that utter nonsense and anti-road mentality to stop once and for all. The recent accidents in Liberty Square are proof that an Inner Relief Road in Thurles is now an absolute priority. We need a second river crossing in the town to take as much traffic, especially heavy vehicles, out of the town centre as possible.
“The ongoing issues with the acquisition of land needs to be addressed immediately. Tipperary County Council cannot excuse this any longer and need to CPO the remaining land in question.
“The Thurles Inner Relief Road is in the Capital Development Plan as a result of Minister Michael McGrath’s work on this project with me. The money is there. The need is blatantly there. It’s time for TII to get out of the way and do their job by moving it to design and development immediately.”

Seven Questions now being asked today:

(1) Has the land required to build the “Thurles Inner Relief Road” been purchased from the person offering the property for sale, namely the vendor? Can Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII), who are unable to resurface an existing road in Thurles, now construct a road on land which is not in public ownership?
(2) Taxpayers would like to know what was the final purchase price of this property and on what date was the contract signed and by whom?
(3) Where can be viewed the final design for this “Inner Relief Road” which has already brought about the total eradication of a possible tourist attraction, namely the historic Great Famine “Double Ditch”?
(4) Who has won contracts for the 50-metre long traffic bearing, span tied, bowstring, arched bridge, the flood alleviation works, and the public lighting system? Will the lights be left burning for 24 hours each day, as is presently the case in Thurles?
(5) We note from Mr Cahill’s press release that he is a “Thurles TD”, not as is usual a “Tipperary TD”. This being the case, based on his intimate knowledge of Thurles streets, explain how heavy goods vehicles entering Thurles from the Templemore town road, can be assisted by the building of an inner relief road on the other side of Thurles, designed to join the N62 with the Mill Road? How will an eighteen wheeler cab and trailer, travelling in any direction to service Thurles, especially those travelling from north of the county, be prevented from entering the town by the use of one minor inner relief road, joining the N62 with the Mill Road?
(6) Why, under this Government, was the Thurles Ring Road; same, planned for over the past 25 years, not included in the National Development Plan?
(7) How much taxpayers money has been alloted by Mr Michael McGrath, (Minister for Finance), for this “Inner Road” project?

As the political deception continues, perhaps some elected representative might like to communicate with us and attempt to answer the 7 questions, above posed.


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