
Thurles 175 Year Old Great Famine Double Ditch Demolition Scandal

Survey Sent To All Thurles Elected Representatives Including Teachtaí Dála Mr Jackie Cahill and Mr Michael Lowry.

A simple definition of the word “Hypocrisy“, is the practice of claiming to have higher standards, virtues, principles and beliefs that one in fact does not have and in most cases are unlikely to attain.

For examples of real “Hypocrisy” one does not have to go outside of County Tipperary or past page 4 of the “Tipperary Heritage Plan 2017 -2021” to find 2 major examples. View same by simply clicking HERE

First example of “Hypocrisy” comes from Cllr. Siobhán Ambrose, (Back between the years 2017 – 2021 Ms Ambrose was for a term Cathaoirleach, of Tipperary County Council.)

Quote: “The aim of the plan is to connect the citizens of Tipperary to their heritage and to make it an integral part of everyday life at the core of our communities. ……The aim of the plan is to connect the citizens of Tipperary to their heritage and to make it an integral part of everyday life at the core of our communities. Tipperary is a county with a rich heritage of which the Council and the citizens of Tipperary are very proud. Heritage projects provide a great opportunity for communities to come together and across the county local groups are working together to promote their localities. I have attended numerous events in the last months where people are celebrating their heritage, be it Built Heritage, Biodiversity and Wildlife, Culture, Music or Folklore. This strengthens our communities and contributes to our sense of place and puts heritage at the heart of our communities. I would like to acknowledge the work of these groups and individuals and hope that through the actions of this plan that we can work in partnership to look after this valuable asset and protect it for generations to come”.

The second example comes from the current reigning Chief Executive of Tipperary County Council, Mr Joe MacGrath.

Quote: “Our heritage is about our past, our present and our future and contributes greatly to the quality of life in our urban and rural communities. It is shared by all and is fully inclusive. Interaction with our heritage not only provides physical and mental health benefits, but contributes to overall well-being, while biodiversity is an essential component in the functioning of our environment.”

While we can’t be sure who wrote the above two introductory paragraphs to this ‘Tipperary Heritage Plan‘ document; we do know that both the Tipperary Co. Council officials named above, signed them; while receiving hefty salaries from Tipperary taxpayers.

Elected Representatives Questionnaire/Survey

The above survey is being sent to the following persons.

Elected Co. Councillors, Templemore / Thurles Municipal District.

Mr Peter Ryan.
Mr Eddie Moran.
Mr Jim Ryan.
Note: Latter Mr Ryan will also reply to our survey issued yesterday.
Mr Shane Lee.
Mr Noel J. Coonan.
Mr Michael Smith.
Mr Micheál Lowry.
Mr Seamus Hanafin.
Mr Sean Ryan.

Local Politicians

Mr Michael Lowry.
Mr Jackie Cahill.

Of the 6 questions forwarded to all elected representatives; the first 3 questions require only a simple YES or NO answer.

(1) Do you support the continued destruction of Thurles history and its historical sites, as in the past?

(2) Do you support the recently confirmed plans by Tipperary County Council to destroy the Great Famine Double Ditch historical site?

(3) As part of the Tipperary County Council development plans, in relation to this proposed inner relief road; has any alternative to the destruction of the Double Ditch been explored at Municipal district level or County level, Chaired by Tipperary Co, Council Chief Executive Mr Joe MacGrath?

(4) If you agree that the Great Famine Double Ditch should be taken from the people of Thurles and destroyed as part of Tipperary Co. Councils development plans, please now outline why you believe this to be so justified?

(5) If you disagree and believe the Double Ditch should be protected and marketed to the world; what action do you propose should now be undertaken to prevent its destruction?

(6) Will you be inviting ÆGIS and their Archaeological Impact Statement report author, namely Mr F. Coyne BA MIAI to return and acknowledge that the Great Famine Double Ditch actually exists?
The qualified professional author Mr Coyne, should also explain how and why he excluded the phrases: “Double Ditch”, “Public Right-of-Way”, “Mass Path” and “Great Famine” from his Archaeological Impact Statement and declare that he was not requested to do so by any engineer or other official within Tipperary Co. Council. (See page 5 & 6 of link shown HERE.)

NB: The Questionnaire/Survey must be returned by Sunday 14th March 2021 and in the interests of openness & transparency, all details will be published in full, on this website for our readers.


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