
In Ireland We Drive On Left – In Thurles, Co. Tipperary We Drive On What’s Left.

Road conditions here in Thurles, Co. Tipperary are possibly the worst ever experienced by motorists, since the first car, a Benz Velo, was imported into Ireland in 1898.
Since early February last, giant craters have been ignored and are been allowed to developed on just about every street surface, within the Thurles Municipal District.

Stradavoher, Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

The time has now come to ask questions.
Why are motorists being asked to pay road tax when our roads are being permitted to deteriorate to the level of gravel patches?

Why are householders continuing to pay Local Property Tax, (LPT) when we are being asked to tolerate such current neglect; while receiving nothing in return?

Barry’s Bridge, with water now permitted to seep through into the main arch structure.

Surely, our two local TD’s, namely Mr Michael Lowry and Mr Jackie Cahill; latter who currently spend their time travelling around the area to have their picture taken with successful people for social media purposes, must have noticed the road conditions within their own town?

One of the many craters on Clongour Road, showing road markings being laid down over the existing craters.

Why, after less than 2 years, has a new roadway structure opposite Lidl, Thurles, [on Slievenamon Road (N62)] completely collapsed?
What role are our highly paid municipal district officials and councillors all playing in this shameful failure to fulfil basic obligations?

The busiest road in Thurles, namely Kickham Street, now a gravel patch with stones and rain water being catapulted by the wheels of trucks & motor vehicles; striking the legs of pedestrians, latter walking the pavement and destroying the facades of buildings and walls facing the street.

Why are the people of Thurles remaining silent when their once prosperous town is being currently decimated through wanton neglect?

Images taken this morning here in Thurles and shown above, are accurate and a mere tiny sample of what is being currently experienced by Thurles drivers.

Note: A copy of this blog has been sent to Mr Joe MacGrath, Chief Executive at Tipperary Co. Council, asking for him to comment on the above dismal situation.


3 comments to In Ireland We Drive On Left – In Thurles, Co. Tipperary We Drive On What’s Left.

  • Michael


  • John Fogarty

    Sadly George nobody in authority has any pride in their work from the executive of the Council downward.
    Nobody is held to account when the standard falls below what’s expected.
    Totally agree that elected representatives are failing miserably at their job.
    Clearly the materials used aren’t up to the job; the exposure to salt in cold weather is also a contributing factor I believe.
    Unfortunately until the electorate vote for ‘substance over spin’ the rest of us will just have to soldier on and pay the taxes.

  • George Willoughby

    John, They have moved today, after at least a 3 weeks period, to address the repair of the massive crater that existed on Stradavoher. I totally agree that our electorate need to vote for political substance rather than political spin; thus identifying the nature of reality over the potential menace of fantasy operated by employed political PR agents.
    Each day the line between fact and fantasy becomes ever more blurred. These elected individuals believe that once elected they do not have to answer or in many cases are unable to answer their electorate.

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