
Public Efforts To Remove Checkpoint Charlie Are Underway In Thurles.

It was Fianna Fáil Cllr. Mr Seamus Hanafin who first confirmed that “Checkpoint Charlie”, latter, also known by the handle “Slievenamon Road Car Park” has reverted once more to a “pay and display system”.
Not to be out done Fianna Fáil Cllr. Sean Ryan, was quickly out of school again, offering this now historic information, before promising to inform the public on exactly how much of local tax payer funds had been totally and utterly squandered without their permission.

With regards to the matter of wasted tax payer funding, both men have since remained tight lipped, in the knowledge that taxpayers don’t really need to know, and sure same can be recouped by simply raising local property tax by 10%, as was the case some weeks previously.
Currently, the rumour is that the overall installation of “Checkpoint Charlie” was a whopping €95,000 plus. (Add another few thousand Euro for removing it.)

This brings me to another question, which does need answering.
With Tipperary Co. Council having totally succeeded in ensuring that Thurles town centre businesses are for the most part no longer economic, how much profit has car parking charges rendered to the coffers of Thurles Municipal District?
Maybe those intent on running for the 5 year post, as elected representative on Thurles Municipal District council; latter to be set by the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, in May or June of 2024, might try to find out.

Since “Checkpoint Charlie’s” conception, there have been ongoing issues with this barrier system. Constantly out of order and regularly interfered with by ‘uncouth barbarians’ residing locally, thus greatly angering and frustrating car park users.
Tipp Co. Co., led by Chief Executive Mr Joe MacGrath, have now decided to revert back to the “pay and display” system, which was working perfectly, previously with their Parking App.

The barriers, themselves have now been removed, but meanwhile, the practice of tightening roadways and junctions, by Tipp. Co. Co’s. Traffic Consultants and Road Engineers, has already taken the first steps in its physical removal, with a motorised vehicle of some variety, already used to re construct its physical structure (See image above herewith).


2 comments to Public Efforts To Remove Checkpoint Charlie Are Underway In Thurles.

  • John Fogarty

    This is exactly the information that taxpayers in Thurles and Tipperary should have access to.
    What’s the difference between income and expenditure for all this technology and inconvenience.
    How does one get access to that information; anyone know please.

  • George Willoughby

    You can write to the Administrator of the respective Municipal District Council. Failure to receive a reply, will require a complaint be made to SIPO.
    Do not email local councillors, as they can’t or will refuse to answer any questions put to them, and in the eventually that they have learned to send emails, they still refuse to submit to the Code of Conduct as legally laid down for Local Authority Members. Fianna Fáil, the “Lowry Team”, and the CE of Tipperary Co. Co. Mr Joe MacGrath, in this area see themselves as being above such statutory duties, despite the existence of Part 15 of the Local Government Act 2001, or the Ethics in Public Office Acts 1995 & 2001. See

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