
“The Queens Of Littleton Show” – By Tom Ryan

The Queens Of Littleton Show

Courtesy of Thurles Author & Poet Tom Ryan ©

In all their fairest finery,
Silk and lace embroidery,
Frills – petticoat and jewellery
Beauts flock to the show at Littleton.
Lipsticked, rouged ideally,
Competitive to cruelty,
Eyes flashing like rich royalty,
The Queens of Littleton Show.
From Killenaule and Brumminjam
From every village, town they come
To see their maidens now become
The raging beauts of Littleton.
Charming, multi-colourful,
Fair and very beautiful,
Ruby cheeked and jovial
In Littleton to win.
Factory girl and farmerette,
Every beauty’s in a fret,
Palpitating, who will get
The title – “Queen of Littleton?”
War may rage on foreign field,
Armies conquer or may yield,
But the crowning glory is believed
To be the test at Littleton.
Families,cousins, children too,
Attired in every single hue,
To cheer the beaut that wins the “Blue”
The belle of all at Littleton.
“Star” scribe and flashing camera man
Attempt to capture, if they can
The mighty splendour of the one
That takes the sash in Littleton.
Dress, deportment, if you please,
Never mind your hunky knees,
‘Tis surely hard the judge to please
At the show in Littleton.
And when the judge the winner gives
Nigh all but one right then believes
That judges all are bat-blind thieves
For the show at Littleton.
I’ll dance and drink the cuppa tea
I’ll kiss the Queen, just wait and see,
“Prince Charming” may just envy me
At the show in Littleton.

Tom Ryan ,”Iona”, Rahealty, Thurles, Co Tipperary


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