
Helleborus argutifolius – Ideal For Any Winter Garden

Helleborus argutifolius

Here in Thurles, the Helleborus argutifolius or Corsican hellebore, a rather handsome, long-flowering perennial plant, ideal for our often drab winter Irish gardens; is quickly forming its blossoms in time for its flowering period, normally February to April of each year.

The plant [See image above.] is best described by garden centres as being a medium-sized, clump-forming, evergreen perennial with leathery, deep green leaves divided into three toothed holly-like leaflets, offering the plant lover, clusters of apple-green cup-shaped flowers, and possibly more importantly it grants an invaluable early nectar source for pollinators.

Fully hardy, but unlike other hellebores, [And there are many varieties,] the Corsican hellebore is content in full sunlight, so long as the soil is moisture-retentive, and humus rich, but will also enjoy half shade on a sheltered site.

Demanding little maintenance, all Helleborus argutifolius plants require is that any damaged leaves be cut back in late winter, together with all flowering stems after the flowers have gone. This pruning-out is required to encourage blooming for the following year.

Free Competition

Thurles.Info are offering free to our first two commenters, 1 potted perennial Lupine plant, one each only, to the first two readers who comment under this same report.

Winners will receive notification via their email address, as to where both plants can be collected here in Thurles.
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