
Barry’s Bridge Thurles – Repairs Imminent Say TII

Following on from our report on the state of Barry’s Bridge here in Thurles, which we published yesterday; Thurles.Info forwarded an email to the the senior minister at the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, namely Shane Ross, TD, at Leeson Lane, Dublin 2, Ireland D02TR60.  The acknowledged email sent to, containing 6 photographs, explained the difficulties being experienced in dealing with Tipperary Co. Council and their difficulties, in turn, in attempting to communicate with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII).

We are now informed that TII will immediately appoint a highway contractor to commence work, on what appears currently as a cloned street-scape, removed from Northern Syria.

We are also informed that the current sub-surface of the bridge may have to be further adapted, following the last 4 failed attempts to repair same, which despite huge costs to taxpayers; proved to be a mitigated disaster.

In our email to the Minister we also raised the issue of the promised 16 year old “Thurles Bypass”,  currently the stuff of jokes.

Hopefully, now the TII will honour this commitment and Barry’s Bridge will not go the route of Ballynonty bridge, which completely collapsed, luckily with no loss of life, some years ago.

In the words of poet G. Cullen’s poem, “Global Warming”.
That last event :-  “Twas like a big tsunami or the floods in New Orleans,
Or back when Noah built the ark to save the human beings,
But nothing ever read or seen has caused the jaw to drop,
Like the bridge in Ballynonty near Alice Perry’s shop.”


4 comments to Barry’s Bridge Thurles – Repairs Imminent Say TII

  • Michael


  • Pat.

    An absolute disgrace that the surface of the bridge should have been allowed to deteriorate to it’s current state. Have our Council employees any pride in Thurles or their own positions? My fear is that someone will be hurt either walking or cycling on the Bridge or a motorist could do serious damage to their car.

  • George Willoughby

    Pat according to the “Tipperary Star” no one needs to worry, it is on the TII’s 2 Year Plan.
    Now one wonders during which year this work is scheduled to be undertaken.
    On Monday someone will throw a few shovels of cold tarmac in the water filled craters from that little blue council truck. Sure it will be grand and later when we get the chance, maybe we will get a better “run” at it.
    I wonder what plan is the 16 year old promised “Thurles Bypass” on?

  • Concerned

    Well done, George!

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