
Thank You For Keeping Thurles.Info On Page One Of Google

The experts say that the ‘rule of thumb’ for your average small firms’ website should be 1,000 visitors per month. Indeed, if you are getting 1,000 visitors per month same is considered to be an acceptable amount of traffic.

This website Thurles.Info boasts traffic of over 1,000 to 6,000 visitors per day.

At 3.05pm this afternoon, statistics for the website showed that it had passed 2 million (2,000,258) in ‘Page View’ reads, while recording almost 1.5 million (1,494,598.) ‘Unique Visitors’.

Such statistics are an invaluable tool for measuring, tracking and understanding a site’s massive audience. According to our ‘Site Stats’  today, our readership came from Massachusetts, Delaware, California, Queensland, Berlin, Netherlands, Scotland, Wales, Romania, Turkey, China, Cambodia, Thailand, West Africa, to name but a few, with the vast majority of readers coming from Tipperary and other counties across both Ireland and England.

 ‘Unique Visitors’ Versus ‘Page Views’
Of course, ‘Unique Visitors’ indicate the number of unduplicated visitors (those counted only once) reading a websites content, over the course of a specified time period. ‘Page View’ statistics on the other hand record every time a website is viewed over the course of the same specified time period, which could be 10 times by the same individual and identified by their IP address.

Today if you simply type the word, THURLES, into your web browser; e.g. Mozilla Firefox, etc. you will find that the website Thurles.Info is to be found prominently on top of page one of Google, for all to access.

One small regret by the sites administrators however, the website is not being used to best advantage by our local community, same who must surely be anxious to inform the world of their next promotion.

Thank you for keeping Thurles, Co. Tipperary on page one of Google.


3 comments to Thank You For Keeping Thurles.Info On Page One Of Google

  • Michael


  • Liam

    Great work by you George.
    Why not do a little video each week, including news about locality etc., aimed at overseas viewers.

  • George Willoughby

    Liam, thank you for your kind complements and excellent suggestions. Alas the financial contribution by Thurles individuals and businesses in keeping the website online for this year was nil. Three donations, 2 from America & 1 from England accounted for €520, however having paid server costs and host-names costs plus the monthly cost of broadband (€700) for running Thurles.Info and Hidden, both of which we administer, it is not likely that we will be purchasing video cameras any time soon. As you can see we already provide computer equipment and our time free for the benefit of our local community. Go to ‘History’ category on Thurles.Info to find news about the locality etc., aimed at overseas viewers. However we take on board your point of view. Again many thanks.

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