
Tipperary General Election Tally 2016


General Election 2016 – Joint Party Tally

Figures shown in picture left are as taken at 14.55pm (2.55pm) his afternoon.

With 100% of the 276 boxes counted, same show a 68.1% turnout of voters for the county of Tipperary.

The projected quota based on this tally so far is 13,015.

The first count is now under-way with (based on the figures shown left), the outgoing Independent TD Michael Lowry expected to be duly deemed elected on the first count between 8:00pm and 9:00pm tonight, having as expected, reached the quota on the first count.

Possibly the big surprise however was outgoing Independent TD Mattie McGrath who is now expected to take the second seat, contrary to pre-election political predictions which had forecast his annihilation.

The other big surprise coming from this tally was the poor performance from Minister of State Tom Hayes (FG), of whom it was widely predicted would take the second seat in this new constituency.

Independent and outgoing TD Seamus Healy is widely expected to take the third seat, with outgoing TD’s Labour Minister Alan Kelly, Jackie Cahill (FF), Michael Smith (FF) and Minister of State Tom Hayes (FG) all fighting for the remaining two seats of this new five seater constituency.

The Tipperary count is taking place at the Presentation Primary School Count Centre here in Thurles.

A novel Irish political landscape is now emerging from all Count Centres across the country, so how likely it is that the old enemies Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil will become coalition partners in the 32nd Dáil?


2 comments to Tipperary General Election Tally 2016

  • Katie.

    Thank you George for the results. We are watching with bated breath at the outcome. Its on all our news channels over here in Australia. We had our own vote here. What a surprise!

  • Katie.

    George. I am sure you are the right person to ask this question. Someone wrote in our news letter. The following.
    Which continent contains the largest number of Christians.
    I believe this word ‘ contains’ in a phrase like this is not correct. I believe it should be as follows.
    ‘Which continent has the largest number of Christians.
    What do you think George. You can save a lot of headaches.

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