
Blatant Evidence Of General Election Spin In Tipperary

Dole Queue

Dole Queue

As I write today, our local Tipperary politicians, who are paid salaries on average of €90.000 per annum or €43.25 per hour based on a 40 hour week, not to mention their €125,000 in annual expenses, are all on holiday.

Overall here in Co. Tipperary some 11.7 % of commercial properties (7,475 available business sites) remain unoccupied. In the South of Co. Tipperary, in the town of Clonmel, almost 15% of commercial units remain vacant, (the national average being 12.6%).

Last week politicians Mr Enda Kenny; Mr Alan Kelly; Mr Tom Hayes and Mr Richard Bruton boosted their personal travelling expenses, by trotting into the south of our county to the town of Cahir: here to announce 152 jobs and a €50m Investment at ABP Food Group, all designed to boost in particular the Cahir area and Co. Tipperary in general.

However unlike Enda Kenny’s and Richard Bruton’s attendance at the ‘Banking Inquiry’ hours previously; in ABP Cahir no one produced a Holy Bible asking that all Public Elected Representatives solemnly swear, by Almighty God, to “tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth”.

Blatant General Election Spin In Co Tipperary.

Enda Kenny: Officially opening the new ABP facility, Taoiseach Enda Kenny appeared not to be wholly informed when he publicly announced 152 future jobs as part of ABP’s investment in Cahir, quoting; “another sign of the progress, momentum and confidence in the Agri-food industry”.

Richard Bruton: Jobs Minister Richard Bruton’s statement appeared to contradict Enda Kenny’s earlier announcement of a future 152 jobs when he added, “We have put in place our regional jobs plans to accelerate employment growth in every area. Today’s announcement that ABP continues to grow employment in Cahir, with 150 jobs created so far and more expected in the future, is a great boost for Tipperary.”

Then came his ‘Location Spin’, “The South East is growing jobs at the fastest rate of any region in the country, and with investments like this we can have confidence that this growth can continue in the coming years.” The East meaning Co. Dublin “Yes Minister,” but surely to add ‘South’ into this equation is somewhat of an exaggeration, especially when talking about a small town in Co. Tipperary.

Alan Kelly: Tipperary’s Minister for the Environment, Community & Local Government, Alan Kelly said the investment demonstrated a strong vote of confidence in both the region and the people of Co. Tipperary. “ABP Food Group has been in Cahir for over 40 years and with over 600 people employed, it has always been a big employer in the area.” he stated.

Tom Hayes: Tipperary’s Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine, Tom Hayes TD was under no such job illusions when he stated, “This is a huge investment in local Irish food with a global reach. As Minister of State it is heartening to see how the Department’s Beef and Sheep meat Investment Fund has encouraged companies to undertake a series of investments in the future of their industry. I would also like to congratulate ABP on their investment in people and in skills and their pioneering commitment to Origin Green, which brings so many benefits to rural communities.” Unusually no evidence of the promise of future jobs in your statement then Mr Hayes.

Paul Finnerty: ABP chief executive Paul Finnerty made no such futuristic jobs forecast; other than to state that the economic benefits of ABP’s recent redevelopment, particularly during the construction period, “have been delivered during a difficult period for the local labour market”.

The True Current Unemployment Figures In Co. Tipperary.

During the last two months of May 1st to June 30th of the current year, 2015, Co Tipperary’s unemployment figures, shown under the CSO categories of ‘All Ages’ – ‘Both Sexes’ increased / rose by 835 persons.

In the town of Cahir alone, during the same period (May 1st to June 30th 2015), some 74 persons joined the ranks of the unemployed.

To add fuel to this raging furnace, during this same period (May 1st to June 30th 2015) at least 373 unemployed persons here in Co. Tipperary had already been moved off the Unemployment Register to work on Tús schemes (See Rates) and therefore not correctly categorised as being unemployed persons.

The true figures for increased unemployment in Tipperary during the period (May / June 2015) should therefore truly read approximately 1208.  This figure does not take into account those other persons who chose to accept emigration. Neither does it take into account those who could not afford to leave this country and have since become a member of that well known unpaid Internship Club called JobBridge; latter which continues to remain unmonitored, offering poor conditions and little if any insurance cover.

Almost 5 years in office and imagine, not even one job created during that time in Co. Tipperary – what an achievement!

To our Tipperary TD’s; enjoy the holidays boys and girls, and remember we the taxpayers have just employed, solely for your benefit, a new fitness instructor to be installed in the Oireachtas Gym on an annual salary of €56,580.

The reason you ask?  So that when you return, this instructor can assist in attempting to remove any recently gained, unrendered lard or other acquired fatty tissue from your lazy, useless, fat rear ends.


2 comments to Blatant Evidence Of General Election Spin In Tipperary

  • Michael

    TD’s have their own Bible and they place a hand on it to solemnly swear, by Almighty God, to “tell the truth the whole truth and ANYTHING but the truth”, so help me Enda.

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