
Bord Na Mona Staff Face Re-application For Own Jobs


Bord na Móna

It has been claimed that Bord Na Mona staff here mid-Tipp may be facing the future of having to reapply for their own jobs, despite the company recently announcing in recent days an annual profit of some €52 million.

This semi-state body is presently attempting to implement cost cutting measures across the Company and recent discussions at the Labour Relations Commission, latter in an attempt to resolve a number of issues, have now ended without further agreement.

The position locally at the Littleton, Co Tipperary, Briquette Manufactoring Plant has been to place production on hold until mid-August, with up to 80 permanent workers remaining either on reduced hours or on temporary lay-off.

Tipperary Independent TD Mr Michael Lowry claims that workers are now being put in an impossible position by being asked to reapply for their own jobs on reduced wages, through the introduction of a pay freeze which is expected to last until at least 2019.

In a statement released through the office of TD Michael Lowry last night, the Deputy has expressed disappointment at the failure of the Labour Relations Commission to resolve a plethora of outstanding issues between Bord na Móna Management and their workforce.

“These talks have now ended without agreement. This is not surprising, considering Management of Bord na Móna have remained very intransigent in these negotiations. While it is accepted that Bord na Móna has many competitive challenges ahead, it must be noted that they have just announced an annual profit of €52 million.

It is therefore unjust to expect the Bord na Móna workforce to submit to proposed enforced pay cuts, a pay freeze and redeployment terms. The proposed terms and conditions of future employment are unacceptable to the vast majority of the Bord na Móna workforce. Bord na Móna Group of Unions will next week make a full submission to the Labour Court. This prolonged dispute is damaging to both the morale and working relationships, between management and staff ,” Mr Lowry stated.

Deputy Lowry called on Bord na Móna to immediately “enter meaningful discussions to find a compromise solution in the interest of the workforce and the long-term future of the Company”.


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