
Robbery Ely’s Centra Kickham Street Thurles Tipperary

DSC_5925The ever popular one-stop-shop known as Ely’s Centra Supermarket, situated on the corner of Ikerrin Road and Kickham Street, Thurles, Co Tipperary, was the subject of a burglary in the early hours of this morning, (Thursday 23rd July 2015).

A thief or thieves entered the popular busy retail store by breaking through a roof at the rear of the main building, at around 1:30am this morning, before breaking through an inner ceiling, to dismantle security cameras.

The robbery of these premises, which operates daily from 7:00am to 10:00pm, was first discovered by staff who arrived for their early morning work shift today.

While the store are still counting the cost of this morning’s break-in, it is generally accepted that several thousand Euros of saleable goods were removed from the building, together with several thousand Euro’s of structural damage caused to internally placed dispensing machinery and actual roofing fabric at the rear of the building’s structure.

It should be noted that despite this mornings upset, the premises still continue to remains open and trading continues as usual.

Local Thurles Gardaí are urgently seeking information from any person who may have been in the vicinity of the store between 1:30am and 3:00am this morning and who may have noticed any unusual behaviour taking place in this immediate area.

Anyone with information can contact Thurles Garda Divisional HQ at Slievenamon Road, Thurles, Co. Tipperary by calling in person or Telephoning (0504)25100. Persons with information may also contact the Garda Confidential Telephone Line on Tel: 1800 666 111 or indeed any Garda Station.

This morning’s robbery is the latest in a series of such criminal activities carried out in the Thurles, Two-Mile-Borris and Littleton area in the past few weeks and Gardaí are warning businesses to remain alert.


4 comments to Robbery Ely’s Centra Kickham Street Thurles Tipperary

  • Michael

    If they are caught, there is no punishment. A robber should have his RIGHT HAND removed.
    If that was the law there would be NO MORE ROBBERIES.

  • Michael

    100 new Garda graduating today from Templemore, We need at least 1000 and REAL punishment for crime.

  • Chris

    In a large town like Thurles with CCTV installed all around and the biggest Garda district in the county/divisional HQ, how does a crime like this go unnoticed?

  • George Willoughby

    Chris, The Ikerrin Road area of Thurles was always known in previous years by local Gardaí as the ‘Ho Chi Minh Trail’. Those robbing from shops in any central Thurles location; travelled this area entering first from St Mary’s Lane up through the graveyard unto Ikerrin Road then into the Ikerrin housing estate; exiting unto the main thoroughfare again from the back of what is now known as the Aldi shopping centre car park. Cars, Trucks etc were then used to vanish the stolen goods. Although this was known to local Councillors no effort was made to install CC TV to secure this area.
    Thus you can be assured that our early morning thieves used this get-away route with their significant booty.
    Now with a reduced local police force, two to four of which are obliged to guard each of our visiting local politicians who ‘God love us’ fear for their lives, to be honest I must say they do a reasonable good job, despite being under resourced manpower-wise.

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