
Leaked News – Santa Clause Is Coming To Thurles Town

Kids be good, Santa confirms he will visit Thurles Dec 11th next.

Tipperary Children Please Note:  Santa Clause Is Coming To Thurles On Thursday Evening Next.

Father Christmas is making his usual unscheduled pre-Christmas visit to Thurles on Thursday next December 4th, on his way back to the North Pole to begin organising his final “Reindeer Run” beginning after 6.00pm on December 24th.

Santa’s wife, Mrs. Clause or Mother Christmas as she is also known, won’t be travelling to Thurles this year, as she is up to her eyes making cookies with the elves, caring for the reindeer and supervising the toy making. Sure Christmas wouldn’t be the same were it not for the backup and support given by Mother Christmas.

By the way Mrs. Clause’s first name has always remained somewhat of a mystery here in Ireland, though I can confirm in confidence that she is called Mary, Annalina, Jessica, Layla, Ahoop, Seeki, Martha, Kasey, Gretchen and Santarina depending on which country in the world you may reside.  (Kids do keep this information quietly to yourself, as we Irish children just call her Mrs Clause.  You see Irish children are better mannered and demonstrate a greater respect for older citizens than most other children in other world countries.)

Of course Father Christmas is here in Thurles pre-season for a particular reason; “So you better watch out, you better not cry, better not pout, I’m telling you why.  He’s making a list and he’s checking it twice, he’s gonna find out who’s naughty and nice. He sees you when you’re sleeping and he knows when you’re awake. He knows if you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake! ”

The Tipp FM Radio Outside Broadcast Unit will be stationary in Liberty Square, Thurles; broadcasting live from around 4.00pm-7.00pm and the Christmas street lighting will be officially turned on at around 5.30pm, by a very special as yet not disclosed mystery guest.

It is understood Santa may be carrying a large consignment of sweets which will be distributed in Liberty Square and those of you who have not sent your Santa Letters may get an opportunity to whisper your gift preference quietly in his ear.

You might also inform your parents that there are some €100 gift voucher being kindly given away by local businesses like Michael’s Jewellers (Westgate), Boyles China & Gift Shop (Liberty Square), O’Dwyer Shoes, (Friar St.), Aisling Health & Beauty, (The Mall Thurles), Daly’s Fish Shop, (Liberty Square), but to name just a few.

All in all there will be a great atmosphere in the town, so do come and make a start on that Christmas shopping.

Remember: No Crying, No Pouting, Be Nice, Be Good.

A particular thank you to Thurles Chamber President Mr John O’Shaughnessy and his back-room team for organising this most festive of annual Thurles events.


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