
Coonan Death Threat – Ireland Faces “An ISIS Situation”

Tipperary Fine Gael TD Mr Noel Coonan fears that Ireland faces “an ISIS situation” if the more extreme elements of the Water Charge Protests are not “nipped in the bud.” Mr Coonan also claims that protesters in Dublin are “like parasites” and said, quote, “they live off country people as they have never acknowledged the role of country people.”

Gardaí are now understood to be investigating claims that a death threat was made to Mr Noel Coonan following these comment by him in the Dáil yesterday. This leaves currently two leading Tipperary politicians, currently living in fear for their lives and as such must surely influence Fine Gael leaders into the calling of a General Election.

Aside from this most regrettable threat, but in relation to the provision of clean drinking water one must ask the question; is this the same TD who, when in opposition and Fine Gael’s Spokesperson on CAP Reform and who in January 2011, called on the then Minister for Agriculture to lift restrictions that prevented farmers from spreading slurry during the rainy season, which eventually would end up in our clean water sources?  “Farmers are ruled by ridiculous calendar deadlines imposed by this out-of-touch Government. Minister Brendan Smith TD must ease restrictions on slurry spreading and allow the farming community to be dictated by current weather conditions which are perfect for spreading. Would it make a huge difference if the Government permitted farmers to spread two weeks ahead of schedule?” asked the Tipperary North/South Offaly Deputy.

Is this the same TD who in 2012 welcomed colleague Minister Phil Hogan’s decision to announce extensions to the periods for the application of certain fertilisers?
Note: I tell you this purely for the further education of all Mr Coonan’s believed urban ‘ISIS Protesters’ currently residing in Dublin;  apart from the normal nitrates and pesticides applied to crop-land,  if not spread responsibly on farmland, underground water can easily become contaminated by microbes or germs from the spreading of slurry and from waste-water treatment systems. Slurry contains cow urine and cow faeces; latter which includes chemicals and medicines e.g. de-wormers and anti-biotics, together with chemicals used to clean cowshed floors.

Do you, the people of Tipperary, believe that Mr Noel Coonan is capable of answering or even defending truthfully the specific defined accusations put by his assumed ‘ISIS Lieutenant’ Ms Clare Daly in Dáil Éireann two days ago, (Video Shown above) or indeed was Mr Coonan even present, sitting in the Dáil Chamber, when she made her heart felt speech on behalf of those earning less than €10,000 per year? Is it fair that a person earning €10,000 per year should pay this government the equivalent of one weeks wages for water, when Mr Coonan is asked to pay exactly the same sum taken from a salary which is at least some nine to thirteen time greater, when his annual share of some €7,000,000 in politicians expenses is divided up, latter contributed by Irish taxpayers?

Does this the same Fine Gael TD truly believe that the over 1,000 water protesters, organised by the Thurles Right to Water group, many his supporters, that took to the streets of Thurles on November 8th last, were really ISIS Members?

Is this the same Fine Gael TD who despite many years in Dáil Éireann (2007) together with his Labour colleagues and others; all reigning during continuous local factory closures, failed consistently to attract even one job opportunity to the Thurles area, but weekly, continuously ‘WELCOMES’ the achievements and general funding opportunities put in place by his senior Government Ministers, as if these announcements were some way influenced by his intervention?

Surely, never has a Coalition Government, of which Mr Coonan is a member, so earned Irish peoples total distrust so quickly, so absolutely and so inherently as this present Fine Gael and Labour grouping.

Thank God, Mr Coonan has only spoken in 22 committee discussions and Dáil debates in the last year — well below the average among serving TDs.


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