
US President Obama Outlines Illegal Immigrant Reform

In a televised address last night, US President Barack Obama outlined the executive action he plans to take, which will offer work permits to millions of undocumented people, potentially including thousands of Irish people, some natives of Co Tipperary, latter who ‘live in the shadows’ and are currently unable to return to this country for fear of detection by Deportation Enforcement Officials.

Today Mr Obama will sign into law a series of measures that will protect these illegal immigrants from deportation and indeed the video hereunder is well worth viewing in its entirety.

The executive action he outlined in the video shown above falls into three groups: changes to enforcement, a new temporary legal status for illegal immigrants and new visa categories.

Under these new plans, those who are deemed to be in the US illegally for at least five years, who have children who are either US citizens or legal residents and who pass a criminal background check, will be entitled to full protection from deportation. Enforcement officials will only deport those convicted of serious criminal offences and not those previously arrested for minor offences.

Former undocumented persons will also be allowed to apply for a work permit if they register for taxes and social security.

There will be new visas for students who complete science and technology degrees and for entrepreneurs who have sufficient capital funding and are in a position to create employment.

These new changes are expected to come into force from early next year.


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