
To Thurles Ancestor – Prince William & Wife Kate – A Baby Son

Kates-babybroyf-copyThe Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William and Kate have left St Mary’s Hospital, Lindo Wing, London, with their newborn son, who has yet to be named, and who is automatically third in line to the British throne.

(Please click on both images for higher resolution)

The baby’s name will be announced later, but George and James, both traditional British royal names, are expected to be favoured choices.

William and Kate carried their son (shown left here) proudly down the steps of the hospital, to cheers from onlookers and spent several minutes talking to assembled media.

The couple and their new infant had been visited by proud grandparents, the Duchess’s parents Michael and Carole Middleton and Prince Charles and his wife Camilla earlier today.

An Taoiseach Enda Kenny congratulated the new parents following the birth of their baby boy yesterday afternoon.

It should be remembered that Prince William is a direct descendant of Viscount and Lady Thurles, (latter buried in St Mary’s Church here in Thurles Co Tipperary) through their eldest son, James Butler, Duke of Ormond. The Duke’s daughter, Elizabeth (1640 – 1665), married Philip Stanhope (1634 – 1713), 2nd Earl Chesterfield, and their daughter Elizabeth Stanhope (1663 – 1723), married John Lyon, 4th Earl Strathmore ( Died 1712).

Later in direct line was the 14th Earl Strathmore whose daughter, Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon (1900-2002) (Present Queen Elisabeth II’s mother) married the then future King George VI (1895 – 1952) and latter are the great grandparents of Prince William and of course great great grandparents of William & Kate’s newborn and as yet unnamed son.


1 comment to To Thurles Ancestor – Prince William & Wife Kate – A Baby Son

  • Katie.

    George. Sorry but most of the Expats I have spoken to are not so besotted about this birth. Much more interested in what is going on in Ireland and our Federal Election coming up. George I was at a meeting two days ago and a gentleman from Dublin ask me if I had heard about the Auction taken place in Dublin. Auctioning off Irish Head stones.George Have you heard anything about this I feel it might be more medieval head stones, they might be Auction if it is true it is very bizarre.

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