
€1million To Support Young People In Tipperary

The Late Tony Ryan

The Late Tony Ryan

The Community Foundation for Ireland recently announced that the Tony Ryan Trust has established a fund to ‘Support children and young people in Tipperary to reach their full potential.’

The ‘Tony Ryan Fund for Tipperary,’ has been established by the Tony Ryan Trust to give financial support to evidence based initiatives that support children and young people in County Tipperary enabling them to reach their full potential.

The core focus of this funding is to improve the life experience of Children and Young people living in County Tipperary.  Funding of €1million has been committed and it is the intention that the funding will be disbursed over a two to three year time frame.  The funding may include support for training of local trainers to implement agreed programmes.

The Fund will seek to ensure impact from its funding through supporting proposals that are backed by evidence & evaluation of effectiveness, have local champions who will drive the proposal and can show how the proposal will be sustained post this funding. Grants will be made to organisations or a consortium of organisations who meet the Fund’s Criteria.
Grants are now available for training of teachers and early year’s practitioners in County Tipperary for the training specified. There are two programmes which are open for applications at present; Incredible Years and High Scope. Closing date for both programmes is 5.00pm Friday July 19th 2013. Closing date for both is 5.00pm Friday July 19th 2013. To access an application form please click Here, noting that application is by email only.

Note: Non-profit organisations only may apply.

For information on the Grant Application process email or Phone 01-8747354.


2 comments to €1million To Support Young People In Tipperary

  • Chris

    Have a photo somewhere from a few years ago when I met the late Tony Ryan. Would like to see Dublin try steal some of that funding. They take our peat they want our water they have our artifacts. It’s great that this money will only be spent on initiatives in Tipperary 😀

  • George Willoughby

    Present apathy of Tipperary people, presently, could lead to no applications being sought.

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