
Tipperary Gold Coins To Benefit Dublin Economy

Charles II Gold Coin

Charles II Gold Coin

A 17th Century hoard of Gold coins dating back some 400 years and found by builders in the foundations of Cooney’s bar in Carrick-on-Suir, Co Tipperary last January, have gone on display in the National Museum of Ireland, for the benefit of the Dublin economy, since Thursday last.

The hoard comprising 81 coins that date from 1664 to 1701 are believed to have been secretly collected by a Catholic merchant during the Penal Laws and amassed in hiding with a future view to fleeing the country in a hurry should circumstances have then arisen.

The coins were discovered in a line together in the ground by Shane Murray, publican David Kiersey, contractor Shane Comerford, and builders Tom Kennedy and Pat McGrath, during groundwork’s at Mr Kiersey’s licensed premises.

It is understood that the National Museum have now offered these coins on temporary loan to South Tipperary Co Council, for display at the South Tipperary Museum in Clonmel in the Autumn, when the main Tipperary 2013 tourism season is ended & discussions are also taking place with the Office of Public Works (OPW) to have this display of coins placed on show in Ormond Castle in Carrick-on-Suir for an open day, in advance of the County Museum display.

The Tipperary finders are expected to receive a generous reward which remains, as yet, publicly undisclosed.


4 comments to Tipperary Gold Coins To Benefit Dublin Economy

  • Michael

    That is like what would happen in Mugabe Land. We will have to speak out loud.

  • Michael


  • Michael

    Medical School Entrance Exam.
    When I was young and my intent was to go to medical school, the Entrance Exam included several questions that would determine eligibility.

    One of these questions was “Rearrange the letters “P N E S I” to spell out an important part of the human body that is more useful when erect.
    Those who spelled “SPINE” became Doctors. The rest ended up in Government.

  • Chris

    A generous reward 😀 the only people in Ireland who have ever gotten a generous reward of cash were the bankers and bondholders, for the great work they did bankrupting the country. The builders and the owner should have kept their mouths shut and sold it. I would much rather it be sold and melted than the National Museum getting it.

    Also regarding the €100k ransom the National Museum want off you George for the Derrynaflan Hoard; with the abolition of the town councils next year Nenagh town council is leaving nothing in the bank and signing binding contracts for work that will have to be paid for by this new county council. They will be spending the whole €4 million+ they have in the bank on projects in the town (why isn’t our town council doing this). I imagine Thurles Town Council have around the same amount or more in their bank account and I’m sure they can afford to pay the €100k to the National Museum. You should get as many people as you can to write/petition, whatever, to the council asking them to pay the ransom.

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