
Residential Property Price Register Launched

The Government’s Residential Property Price Register was launched yesterday by Justice Minister Alan Shatter, so people who enjoy snooping on their neighbours, no longer need to peep from behind net curtains. Anybody interested in finding out how much their neighbour’s house sold for, can now snoop for the answer by clicking Here.

This new Residential Property Price Register is produced on line by the Property Services Regulatory Authority (PSRA) supposedly pursuant to section 86 of the Property Services (Regulation) Act 2011.

The printable Excel Sheet offered by any online search, supplies details which include:-  Date of sale of the property, Price paid and the Address of each property. For Example; No. 9 Monadreen, Thurles,  Co Tipperary,  €252,000.00, Second-Hand Dwelling house /Apartment & No. 8 Willowmere Drive, Dublin Road, Thurles, Tipperary,  €155,000.00,  Second-Hand Dwelling house /Apartment.

This Register includes information on residential properties purchased in Ireland since the 1st January 2010 to date, as declared to the Revenue Commissioners for stamp duty purposes, by the person or persons acquiring each property & possibly pasted & copied from latters Forms ST21 existing data base. However, important information like identifying the number of bedrooms etc in the case of each house property is missing, rendering the data base as useless unless you already know the address stated.

It is important to note that the Register is not intended as a “Property Price Index”. It is simply designed to provide, on an ongoing basis, prices of residential properties purchased at a particular date and in a particular location, as declared, so money ‘paid under the counter,’ will not be reflected.

This government will soon be reading our morning post.


2 comments to Residential Property Price Register Launched

  • “I wonder when Allan Shatter will supply a data base, on line, for the taxpayers of this ‘Green & Pleasant land,’ allowing us to view TD’s un-vouched Expenses.”

  • Thomas

    The old song the west awake begins with the words the west asleep, it seems that the following verses do not apply because not alone is the west asleep but the whole country is sleeping while the government is allowing the Euro Princes to rob all of us of our hard earned homes with tax measures designed to ensure that those hard pressed will be unable to pay and down the road the inheritance of families will be owned by Europe and we will be once again the peasants and paupers in our own country renting our hard earned homes back from the big wigs of Europe. Wwe once were able to proudly say it’s a free country, what would our proud forefathers say now?

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