
Home Instead Senior Care Launch Pensioners Handbook

Many older people do not use the Internet and so cannot quickly access information on vital public services with the same ease. Indeed, a recent report has highlighted the difficulties that many older people have in accessing vital information, such as their allowances and entitlements or their financial, legal and medical matters, because of often the lack of access through this medium. To this end, Tipperary Home Instead Senior Care has published “The Irish Pensioners Handbook.”

The Irish Pensioners Handbook 2012

Packed with useful, relevant information, this handbook features information on a wide variety of issues:-
Allowances and Entitlements for older people and carers – Medical Advice – Home Care – Advice Around the Home – Nursing Home Care – Dementia and Alzheimer’s care – Tips on Health & Fitness – Nutrition & Diet – Financial and Legal advice, – How to deal with Bereavement – Holidays & Travel etc. It also contains a directory of Older Person’s Organisations and other useful contacts.

 Michael Wright of Tipperary Home Instead Senior Care stated, “We hope our Handbook will allow more people to access important information much more easily.”

This excellent publication produced by Home Instead Senior Care and launched this week, with the support of Age Action and the HSE, was welcomed by Kathleen Lynch, T.D., and Minister of State with responsibility for Disability, Older People, Equality & Mental Health. The Minister stated, “As 2012 is the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, a priority for me is to ensure that the National Positive Ageing Strategy is completed. We want to promote a country that encourages people of all ages to think positively about their own ageing, that helps people to plan sensibly for their later years and that provides the support for people to enjoy a good quality of life as they grow older.”

Eamon Timmins of Age Action said, “Information is power. As a national charity for older people, Age Action passionately believes in empowering older people. The existence of entitlements and services is one thing – making people aware of them is a completely different challenge – which is why we are very pleased to partner with Home Instead Senior Care and the HSE in producing this 2012 Irish Pensioners Handbook.  It really is a valuable tool for older people.

Followers of this website, who have a duty of care to elderly parents or older family members, should now immediately order a free copy of this very excellent publication. To order a FREE copy of the Irish Pensioners Handbook, please call Tipperary Home Instead Senior Care here in Thurles on Tel: 0504-91100 or log on to to download a pdf of this guide.


2 comments to Home Instead Senior Care Launch Pensioners Handbook

  • Chris

    With the news that the 22 beds in the Hospital of Assumption will most likely not be reopened, I can see a lot of orders for this handbook. Dr. James Reilly can’t remember promising that these beds would be reopened in January, so if his memory is that bad maybe he needs a bed in there pronto or is he thinking like Bertie Ahern ‘I can’t remember where the money came from.’ So Thurles is still down 22 beds vs Nenagh home getting more funding. We need to stand up in this town and put an end to all this. We have lost so much in our town like the maternity hospital, Erin Foods, (due to the competition authority making premier foods dispose assets to buy another company) Sugar factory, and remember all the jobs in the late 1990’s – early 2000’s and our industrial estate sold off to a bunch of Fianna Fáilers, at a knock down price.

  • Katie O.Connell. Knott

    Chris how I agree with you. This is shocking news about the Assumption Hospital. If Dr.James Reilly’s memory is so bad may I recommend he takes a good spoonful of “memory gain” it works wonderfull for his type of memory. Chris you are right the people must stand up and be counted before more jobs are lost. Come on all you Thurles people and back Chris in this stand because it is only you can change things.

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