
Alan Kelly In Land Access Dispute

Public Transport Minister and North Tipperary Labour TD Alan Kelly has decided to involve himself in a court action with a 70-year-old neighbour, regarding access to a narrow laneway adjoining both their lands.

Disputed Property

The Irish Independent informs us today that this dispute has led to Mr Kelly, hiring a private security firm to block access to the 70 year old pensioner, named as Diana Whitehead, from access to this disputed access road.

The woman, who is reported as separated and living on her own, uses the road, together with local small farmers, who rent land from her, to access fields in rural Tipperary where Ms Whitehead tends to a small number of animals, including goats and donkeys.

A fence had been erected to block the road off, forcing Ms Whitehead to obtain an interim court order, allowing her pedestrian access to her property. She had previously used mechanical vehicles on the lane.

Mr Kelly and Ms Whitehead live alongside each other, outside Portroe, with both of their houses enjoying a spectacular view out over beautiful Lough Derg.

It would appear that the North Tipperary TD Mr Kelly, like his Labour party colleagues, have lost their long held belief in the teachings of James Connolly, whose education in socialism was derived from the writings of Karl Marx.

Marx, you will all remember wanted to take advantage of then existing rebellious chaos and used a newspaper, the ‘Neue Rheinische Zeitung,’ to launch his famous ten point plan, the first point of which was “The abolition of the property /ownership of land.” To use the words of Marx,  “The hierarchical structure of land ownership, and the armed bodies of retainers associated with it, give the nobility power over the serfs.

It would appear I must now re-visit and examine my own personal definition of Socialism  “Men with nothing, wishing to share it with everyone else.”

Picture courtesy Independent


4 comments to Alan Kelly In Land Access Dispute

  • Joan

    Where is freedom gone. Is it not enough that we have sold our souls to Germany. Power is a dangerous tool, Alan Kelly people like you give Irish people a bad name, as my mother God rest her used to say, ‘much wants more.’

  • Chris

    These land disputes can get really messy. I am disgusted at him that he will put a elderly lady through this. Is she driving a army tank up the lane or something bigger? I would more than welcome a lady her age to use my lane as much as she needed if I owned one. The least what he could have done was brought it to the court to decide who was in the right and not to hire security preventing her from accessing her land. I feel ashamed I gave him the number 2 vote (Noel Coonan number 1). First overpaid Rté staff where at it, now TD’s are targeting elderly women over land. I wonder if this lady injures herself, will he prevent the Ambulance going through?

  • Michael

    Joan is correct . Much wants more.(And loses All)


  • Katie O.Connell. Knott

    Alan Kelly!! Why are you having a fit of hysteria over a very simple matter you are lucky to have land to fight over while some hard earned Tax Payers who gave you the vote are still struggling to make ends meet. Its obvious the Irish Tax payer is paying you far to much money for the work you are suppose to be doing. Stop hassling this elderly Lady and hasten this security firm off this Lady’s land. But then what can one expect from a Labour man.!!!!!

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