
Thurles Identified For Possible Schools Handover


The Roman Catholic Church has identified 47 towns and suburbs in Ireland where it is considering handing over control of it’s schools to the State.

Parents of children in these 258 schools will be asked what type of school they want into the future. The areas chosen are regarded as those with the greatest need for more choice, in relation to religious and cultural changes in their society.

The move is part of a much wider shake-up in the control of primary education, latter being recommended by an expert group, set up by Education Minister Mr Ruairi Quinn, TD.

The advisory group tasked with supplying recommendations to the Forum on Patronage and Pluralism in the Primary Sector, published their findings yesterday.

The towns where Roman Catholic schools may be handed over here in County Tipperary are Thurles, Carrick-on-Suir, Clonmel and Tipperary town.


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