
Thurles Water Mains Rehabilitation €1.29 million Approved

Old Water Mains

Water charges are definitely on the cards or else all the leaking water mains in Dublin are now fixed. This statement is borne out by the fact that grant assistance of €1.29 million has been approved for proposals to carry out extensive water mains rehabilitation work in the Thurles area, under the Water Conservation Stage 3 contract.

While this will no doubt be branded by our local TD’s as part of the present Government’s ongoing efforts to improve infrastructure in the Town, trust me when I say it smells to high heaven as the start of preparation for the implementation of domestic water charges.

North Tipperary County Council plan to replace 4km, approximately, of existing cast iron water mains within Thurles, replacing old cast iron pipes laid during the reign of Queen Victoria.

These water mains have been the cause of substantial leakage in the past, and went ignored during the “Tiger years.” Replacing these pipe sections now will minimise future disruption to consumers.

We understand the scheme will go to tender immediately, with the works advancing to the construction stage as soon as possible.

Here’s hoping they are positioned deep enough underground to avoid a total freeze up, as was experienced in parts of Thurles this past winter.


3 comments to Thurles Water Mains Rehabilitation €1.29 million Approved

  • Chris

    Finally something will be done about the leakage and to be honest if rates come in I can’t be arsed paying them, what are they going to do, take me to court? Never mind I don’t use the mains anyway. But as we both know George when they dig up these pipes and replace them they will cover it up with a thin coating of tarmac as usual which through the amount of traffic going to through Thurles will flatten it and cause bumps in the roads. See the job they did on Liberty Square recently. With all these works they are doing especially with the footpaths having parts sticking out on the road its going to kill someone.

  • Chris we are OK sleep well in your bed. We are all covered by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. You know what I mean:-
    Article 25.
    (1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family

    Article 26.
    (1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. (I want my money back.)

    As you are aware here in Ireland all of these rights are available. (Subject to your ability to pay of course.)

    Should we be taking legal action against the IMF?
    Will air be taxed next?

  • Chris

    I’m personally just not going to pay these rates. It wasn’t my mess and they can just turn the damn supply off or bring me to court. And we never know what kind of taxes will we have in the future. It seems we will just make them up as we go along. “Will air be taxed next?” Careful not to give them ideas, they could be reading this and who knows they might put it in the recovery plan.

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