To quote a well known Chinese Proverb “Better to light a candle, than to curse the darkness.”
With this in mind, Thurles.Info have learned today that a meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday 19th October next, in Hayes Hotel, Liberty Square, Thurles, Co Tipperary. The intended purpose of this meeting is to form a Traders Unite Association, encompassing the town of Thurles.
This new association, if formed, will be inclusive of all traders in Liberty Square, Friar Street, West Gate, Croke Street, Parnell Street, The Mall, Kickham Street and Mitchell Street.
Many existing traders believe that the old historical market town of Thurles must now be strengthened, if is to be retained for future generations, while permitting both retailers and customers to enjoy discerning shopping and thus continue to retain and create continued local employment and future sustainability.
The aims of any new association if formed, will be to address and find solutions with regard to:-
- Parking Issues.
- Traffic management.
- Promote the individuality of the shopping experience on our high streets.
- Group Advertising packages. (Details on the night)
- Music on our Streets for Christmas. (Details on the night)
- Election of officers for any proposed new association.
Please note your Diary:- Time: 8.00pm. Date: Wednesday 19th October. Venue: Hayes Hotel.
Well at last we have a stand, but history tells us that the IDA and the politicians have a bad attitude to Thurles, and this kind of association was formed many moons ago in Parnell Street, it concerned the parking problems that was causing problems to the street, parking is important to the residents of parnell street, and all over the town as well, we have parking metres everywhere, so what’s the next issue, trying to get people to shop in Thurles. The chamber of commerce is by and large a decent bunch of people but their hands are tied also, because councils/ governments are not sympathic to retailers and self employed, but this is a problem going back years. We hear a lot of comments about attitudes have to changes but who’s attitude?
I sincerely hope that all the traders in the body of the town of Thurles can unite under this proposed new association and work together for the future of our town. People power can work, this is an opportunity for traders to unite and fight together not just for the commercial viability of Thurles but also to protect our historic shopping high streets, and protect the social fabric of our community.
Rate paying businesses have every right to have their concerns aired and listened to by our Town council.
Politics is almost like a dirty word in Thurles and indeed politicians are thin on the ground and seem to have forgotten our beautiful Cathedral town. Let the voice of the people be heard in the next local election.
Did anyone happen to read TippFm news. Bypass announced for Thurles will cost €48 million. Were screwed no way they will change their minds and go ahead with it now.