
Pubic Meeting Required With North Tipp Politicians

If you are rushing from Thurles to the Regional Hospital in Limerick with a seriously sick aged parent or an infant, do not use route R503.

Trust me when I say that spending a couple of nights freezing on a trolley in this hospital’s corridors, waiting for a bed, is the least of your worries, such is the dire state of this road’s surface.

Even senior engineer Mr Michael F. Hayes agrees that a lot of this roadway needs realignment and confesses that it is bad in places. Approximately €300,000 has been spent on this road so far this year, filling the potholes. By Christmas parts of this road surface should be almost impassible.

Tourists encouraged to visit the lovely Clare Glens, the solitude of Kilcommon Prayer Garden and the picturesque Walking trails of Upperchurch, will surely have a talking point when they return home.

Of course our North Tipperary political representatives are presently too busy to notice these required road repairs.
Mr Michael Lowry is busy, pencil in hand, downsizing Quirky’s Casino blue prints and anyway there are no wealthy business men residing in that area, who could create 2000 jobs, so chances are he does not travel route R503. To be fair, should he need a hospital, (God forbid,) he would be air lifted to the Blackrock Clinic, no trolley’s there I understand.

Mr Allen Kelly, who according to his website is Minister For Public Transport and Commuter Affairs is possibly trying to pen together further self glorifying text for his website, which has not been updated since 11th March last, his first day in the Dail.  Click here to see me “Sitting at my Desk in Department.” Still I suppose it is an improvement on his famous compromised Twitter. I wonder if he is worth approaching (cap in hand mind you, show a little respect for office) what with his power, maybe he could transfer the near €1 million allocated for the unnecessary old R445 cycle track, purely in the interest of creating jobs you understand.

Mr Noel Coonan, and I could be wrong, but I suspect he is behind this new strategy of holding a Pubic Meeting which was recently announced by the Tipperary Star Newspaper. This new type of meeting strategy is expected to overturn the proposed closure of 22 beds at the Thurles Community Hospital of the Assumption by Health Minister James Reilly. The first of these naked meetings will be held on Monday evening next in the Tipperary Institute, at 7.00pm and a massive crowd is expected to turn up, just for a look you understand.

On the other hand, as my granny used to say, “When God closes one door, He opens a window.” Since it will soon be almost impossible to reach Limerick Regional Hospital by road, won’t it take the pressure of all those underpaid and overworked Consultants, Doctors and Nurses.

Maybe a pubic meeting with our politicians is now overdue and could avoid the embarrassment of people stopping payment on their vehicle road tax.

Are roads covered under the Irish Consumer Rights Act does anyone know?


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