
Last Government Root Cause Of HSE Reductions

Deputy Noel Coonan is arranging an urgent meeting of HSE Management in the Mid West to look at new ways of dealing with the reduction of beds in the Hospital of the Assumption, the Dean Maxwell Community Nursing Unit and St Conlon’s Home in Nenagh.

Deputy Noel Coonan

The local Fine Gael TD has also spoken with his party colleague Minister James Reilly outlining his strong discontent at the worrying effect these cutbacks will have on those in need of rehab and respite.

Speaking to Thurles.Info today Deputy Coonan stated: “It is deeply regrettable that this cutback will affect the delivery of respite and rehabilitation care. These unfortunate cutbacks stem from the IMF/EU deal signed up to by Deputy Michael Lowry and Fianna Fáil in Government, who have left this country bankrupt. Deputy Lowry supported the last Government through thick and thin and the Hospital of the Assumption must now face the brunt of the outgoing Governments gross mismanagement. This last Government is the root cause for the HSE being in excess of its allocated budget and unable to provide staff to safely manage beds in Thurles. It is therefore ludicrous for Deputy Lowry, in recent days, to lay the blame at the feet of sitting Government TDs.

Every effort will be made to make better use of the existing resources and with that in mind I am calling for a meeting with HSE management and the hospitals concerned,” concluded the local Fine Gael TD.


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