
Graffiti Idiots and Litter Blight Thurles

Graffiti Idiots Blight Thurles

I am aware that the word ‘Idiot,’ is an offensive term in a now modern politically correct country like ours. It used to refer to someone with an IQ of about 25 or under and with a mental age of less than 3 years, so until today this word has rarely passes my lips.

However a quick stroll around the town of Thurles today has been truly a series of eye-openers.

That blight called ‘Graffiti Vandalism,’ which Thurles people previously would associate with large inner city housing estates, has suddenly struck our beautiful Thurles and it shows no signs of abating or indeed the vandals responsible being detected and the eyesore removed.

This destruction of our local environment, using spray paint, can in no way be interpreted as Art, this is raw vandalism at its worst.

Several ugly bits of graffiti have sprung up, most noticeably down by the usually picturesque River Suir walk, as can be seen in the picture on the left. These vandals have also been busy along Mitchel Street, Rossa Street, Friar Street, to name but a few areas of the town.

What shop sold this spray paint and to whom? It surely is unlikely that adults purchased it for their children or is it?

Perhaps when local Town Councillors return following their ‘Summer Recess,’ they might ask our local police station to investigate. Maybe our sleeping Tidy Towns Committee, if latter still exists, or our local Chamber of Commerce might also take an interest, thus preventing Thurles from looking like a Ghetto. Thurles Town is not yet at least a poverty-stricken urban area with severe social, economic, and legal pressures.

It has to be said, though, that this graffiti idiot or idiots are not very mentally bright, as some of them seem to have incorporated their names or nicknames into parts of their wanton vandalism displayed on numerous walls. Thankfully, this should make the job of police, tracking down these idiots, a bit easier, well that is if anyone locally really cares anymore. When apprehended, a hefty fine should be imposed on these people or their parents, and those administering justice should also insist that all traces of their stupidity be erased solely by the offender, and under close supervision. Taxpayers shouldn’t have to fork out any more money than is necessary, to remove this blight on our lovely landscape.

As I continued strolling around, it also stuck me that litter really is once again becoming a major problem in Thurles. I saw empty cans and other trash, literally a few feet from Town Council dustbins. It beggars believe that people would choose to litter, when a suitable bin is provided close by. Perhaps these litter bins should be re-painted a brighter colour, as seemingly some people are oblivious to their very existence.

As I walked on, I saw several shopping trolleys dumped in the river, as well as Garda traffic cones and other various other bits of rubbish.

Of course I understand that the majority of Thurles people are litter-conscious and do use the litter bins properly, but it is always the mindless few idiots that ruin the environment for the rest of us.

What do you think? Should the litter bins be re-painted to stand out more? Is the litter problem in Thurles getting worse? Please do comment.


24 comments to Graffiti Idiots and Litter Blight Thurles

  • Chris

    Town council does nothing about it, Rubbish is everywhere, Graffiti too. I do know that the latest trend in the town is EMO and alot the middle-upper class teenagers are adopting the trend (which is very worrying as its a trend that promotes Self-Harm, Vandalism and Suicide). These idiots are responsible (not saying for that in the picture) but certainly some of the spray paint vandalism we see in our town, i was walking up near Stradavor a few weeks ago and seen a group of them spray painting a wheelie bin. Also the train station when you arrive in Thurles you see a ugly piece of it on the fence of the bus depot. I take the train alot and can imagine being a visitor to Thurles seeing that what it must seem to people arriving/passing through Thurles. Its no doubt ruining any chance of tourism to our town and the town council needs to get its act together and clean it up install cctv on rubbish black spots and enforce the law.

  • brianc

    Thanks Chris for commenting.
    I had no idea about the graffiti down at the train station.
    I’m going down there later to see if I can get a few pictures of that.
    Also, someone rang me last night about graffiti at the old fire station as well.
    I’ve never heard of this EMO thing either. That’s pretty scary.
    Something has to be done about this, sooner rather than later.

  • Cris no one in Thurles is interested in tourism. Where is the stone carved doorway taken from the Hospital of the Assumption(Formally Thurles Workhouse)? Where is the famine bell from that same building? Why does the Town Council refuse to remove the Sile Ni Gig from the wall at back of Lyons Tyre & Battery yard to where it can be seen by visitors?
    It is time Thurles Town Council were removed from office and replaced by individuals who are passionate about Thurles.

  • Michael

    Town Councillors would want a rise in wages and expenses to look after Graffiti.The big problem with all this vandalism is the penalty is next to nil.

  • brianc

    I passed by the old fire station in Thurles today and saw the graffiti there.

    I took a picture of it, see below;


  • Chris

    That building should really be knocked down by now, all they use it for is storage of roads signs and its exterior even without the graffiti is tired and dated. I know they have a area office above it but wouldn’t it not be better to move the area office to the old Library building in Castle Avenue. I agree with you 100% George that not many people in the town care about tourism (and that town council is just a waste of taxes), but as we both know nothing is been done by the town council to promote it. My dad told me the history of Thurles when i was a child, i don’t see much information of it around the town, there is a tourist information display in Liberty Square which has little or no info about the town mostly about South Tipperary or Ads. Way back in my teens i was with a girl who lived in the Bohernamona road area (pretty close to the town centre) Myself, i live 5 miles outside the town, yet she had no idea the founding of the GAA in Hayes hotel, what Lar Na Pairce was and didnt even know history of the streets, and it wasn’t because she was stupid or didnt listen in school (she got honours in her leaving cert) its because it is never talked about in the schools. it makes you think why the lack of information/history, they easily could display posters in the Library about it set up websites and promote the town, yes we have very little preserved history compared to towns like Cashel Cahir etc but we should use what we got and mix it with the idea of Thurles as a shopping town. we have most the retail chains and excellent locally owned shops which we should be promoting as well. Just look at Templemore town council it has alot smaller funds yet is able fund a beautiful town park and keep it spotless, any anti social behaviour the Gardai there are out straight away to stop it. We need to get that council out as George said and try replace some pride in our town.

  • brianc

    Hi Chris, I couldn’t agree more. As regards graffiti, I don’t see anything being done. I can’t remember the last time I saw a Garda on patrol around the town, certainly not in the evening when it’s obviously being done. Where’s the community policing, I don’t see it. Where’s the foot patrols, in 20 years I’ve only seen them once in our area.

    I believe there is a situation now in Thurles, where some people feel they can do whatever they like, without consequences. For example, the amount of boy/girl racer muppets speeding around town at night is definitely on the increase again. They usually congregate down in the Parnell Street car park before tearing around town. It’s crazy. Let’s not wait for a serious, or fatal, accident before something gets done.

    Graffiti, litter, dog turds on the foot paths, hooliganism, drunken behaviour, speeding… all symptoms of a town getting worse, not better… or safer.

    Regarding tourism, I agree, total lack of recognition of the historic parts of Thurles. Hayes Hotel, where the GAA was founded, how would anyone know, there’s a couple of plaques there but that’s about it. Thurles castle, no info, try typing it into Google, no good info, I mean… it’s a 12th century castle in the middle of Thurles!

    On a happier note, George & myself have put together a new website called Hidden Tipperary, which aims to awaken interest in the historic landmarks and locations around Thurles and Tipperary. The website is fairly new, but it’s getting off to a good start. There’s some amazing history here and we’re hoping to bring it alive.

  • Clongour is now under attack from graffiti. Politicians note it’s getting personal – Fine Gael Nazis. Maybe they are commenting on the state of the footpath.


  • Chris

    That looks disgraceful even without the graffiti.

    To be fair to Fine Gael, most the pain/cut backs, water rates etc was done by Fianna Fáil EU/IMF (to save the developers and banks funding) though Thurles was unfairly targeted especially with the decision to cease plans for the bypass. Expressing political views through graffiti vandalism is idiotic though and achieves nothing, it only makes the town look worse. Its probably a good time we put cctv cameras on our streets.

    Them footpaths are past it, the only option is to jack hammer them and lay new foundations and then maybe put a tarmac surface because the concrete will just keep cracking in that environment. Though we all know what that council is like, i think we have more chance of getting the bypass tomorrow morning (very high odds) than them getting off there arse’s and fixing the paths.

  • Kevin

    I noticed that Chris is blaming these so called ‘Emos’ for the graffiti and vandalism. I must ask, are you an idiot? Those young people have nothing to do with the vandalism, we all know who is. The chavs of Thurles, you know the young people dressed in tracksuits are responsible for the vandalism around the town. Oh and promoting self harm and suicide? You’re just hearing what the media is saying. None of the so called ‘Emos’ in town would consider such a thing. Good day to you sir.

    – Kevin, a so called emo.

  • Kevin

    I’m also not just posting this in anger. I happen to know everyone in the town that you are stereotyping as ‘Emo’. None of these people would do such a thing. I’m one of these young people that you are bashing and I find it disgraceful to base it off one event. I’m not saying I support the spraying of the wheelie bin but to blame them for all of the spray painting is straight out absurd. I agree that more work should be done to remove the paint but blaming a group of minors is absurd.

  • Nice to hear Kevin that some young people do not support the spraying of walls with graffiti, nevertheless I think you will agree that this offensive behaviour is not being perpetrated by the elderly up near Stradavoher.

  • Kevin

    Oh of course not. However I feel the blame should be placed on the yobs or chavs of the town. It is obvious that they are responsible for the graffiti around the the town, I often heard them gloating about spraying certain locations around Monakeeba.

  • Bobby

    Post up more pictures of graffiti from estates and the town, anywhere you think there are some please.

  • brianc

    There’s more new graffiti appearing around Thurles, I got a picture of this one today.

    It’s at the back of the swimming pool, opposite Tesco’s car park.


  • Bobby

    I see there is some more graffiti behind the wall. there is some down the suir alot

  • Chris

    The good news is the Graffiti was painted over. The bad news its was done again on the wall. Also how does a TK MAXX trolley end up in the River Suir in Thurles when the nearest TK MAXX stores are in Limerick and Portlaoise????

  • Yes Cris, Graffiti is back with a vengeance. It all happened while Councillors were discussing Dog Do Do at their last meeting.
    I wonder is there some sort of chemical or adhesive available, which when mixed with Dog Do Do,hardens. It could then be used to fill potholes in Liberty Square. Problem Solved.
    By the way do you have a Skateboard for the new park? Thousands of foreign Tourists are expected when this site is identified and developed by a body already claiming to be €400.000 in debt and without the power to authorise the filling of a pothole.

  • Keane

    Hello, I’d like to put forward an idea. If a skatepark is actually built in Thurles there should be designated areas for people nearby or elsewhere to spray paint on. I myself do legal spraypainting in the Limerick area. There are certain areas where people can feel free to spray murals, characters, letters and so on, when the time and space is provided most graffiti art can be beautiful, and really brighten a place up. In Spain, France and Germany along with many others, miles of public wall are offered to these artists to produce and show their work. The urban culture of graffiti is on the rise and is bigger than the renaissance in the number of people and counties it has become popular in. You say you dont like this graffiti being thrown in your face..everywhere you look, well the graffiti writer view would be that media, advertisement and propaganda are bein shoved in everyones faces everyday maybe some don’t like that. It’s time to get with the times, graffiti art should be embraced and have a chance to be seen as the beatiful art it is, not outlawed and branded the same name as the scrawl from the top picture.

  • Michael

    When taking your dog for a walk have him well trained.
    The dogs in my part of the country wont even wee on the footpath.
    They get inline for the weetree.


  • Michael

    When your dog has an emergency and can’t help pooing, he should be trained to clean it up.


  • Rory

    I think blaming a certain group is no way to go about this, its absurd. I’d bet all kinds of people in this town write on walls from kids to adults and everything from scrawl to pictures. You say graffiti in the town will result in less tourism? Take a look at Limerick city of culture 2014. Thousands of tourists have gone there this year for graffiti and street art alone. Rather than trying to crush a culture maybe try to embrace it, after all this is 2014 having this mentality is a bit dated. As was said above when the space is given to artists you’d be surprised with what can be done with a spray can. Also perhaps if there were more facilities in the town for youngsters they wouldn’t be hanging around the town drunk or scrawling on walls. The skate-park for example? That’s just a pipe dream of empty promises yet the positive effect it would bring on the area is massive but of course that’s all overlooked and we’d all rather complain about the kids hanging around with nothing to do vandalising the place. The irony of that!

  • George Willoughby

    I think the quality of graffiti street artists attending Limerick, City of Culture 2014, style themselves more on the Post-Impressionist painters, Italian Renaissance painters and English Romantic painters. There is a vast difference between Thurles graffiti and Limerick’s cultural graffiti. One straight line of colour sprayed across a public or private wall or dwelling by an individual, latter having consumed 6 cans of Amstel light larger, hardly qualifies same individual as a graffiti artist.
    Trust me when I say no one is attending Limerick just for lessons in Graffiti alone.

  • Rory

    Hmmm I’m not quite sure I can see this Italian Renaissance, English Romantic influence you speak of in these artists style.! Graffiti is a movement its a culture in itself probably the biggest most known form of art out there right now. Who says these people were even drunk? Trust me when I say you’re wrong graffiti alone has made tourism boom in Limerick, I’ve been part of urban arts festivals there myself. Also I noticed that you completely ignored the fact that I said the town council and the lack of facilities for young people is to blame for these youths having nothing better to do.

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