
X Factor’s Mary Byrne Ireland’s Answer To Shirley Bassey

Music promoter Louis Walsh has claimed an Irish contestant could win ‘The X Factor’ reality show this year. Indeed the most talented star of the show on Saturday’s programme was, without question, fifty year old Tesco worker Mary Byrne. Byrne who had wowed Simon Cowell and company at her try out in Dublin’s new Conference Centre last June by singing Welsh born Dame Shirley Bassey‘s classic ‘I Who Have Nothing ‘, convinced the world she had indeed everything, the confidence, the talent and most of all the ability to really entertain an audience.

Of course avarice again raises its ugly head with producers of the X Factor being criticised for giving too much prominence to Tesco, which has employed Mary Byrne at their Ballyfermot store for the past 11 years. She remains a Tesco employee but is currently on leave while the show is being broadcast.

According to the Daily Mail newspaper, rival retailers have raised concerns over the number of references given to Tesco during segments featuring the talented singer.

Tesco have admitted sending emails to 300,000 staff reminding them of Byrne’s appearances on the show. The row comes after Tesco this year secured an exclusive deal to sell the new X Factor magazine at 2,400 UK stores.

The Tesco till operator has  impressed her audience enough for bookmaker Paddy Power to make her their 6/1 favourite to win and staff here at Tesco in Thurles admit to all being very excited and fully behind her.

Our advice to all those rival retailers “Concentrate on your own businesses and get a life,” and to Mary demonstrate to all the true meaning of “Talented Celebrity”, God knows we have enough of the other sort currently parading themselves on our television screens presently.
Looks like Tesco will be short one till operator for same time.


19 comments to X Factor’s Mary Byrne Ireland’s Answer To Shirley Bassey

  • NM30Meath

    I live in Ireland, infact I live near Co.Dublin! I shop in Tesco and all I ever hear is Mary Byrne! There’s even a huge cardboard cut out of her and shes holding a sigh that says “Good luck Mary!”! My freinds and family work there and they’re very supportive 2! I love Mary(shes the New and improved Susan Boyle) I think its fair (we can’t vote anyway)! Tesco justs want 2 help her (there’s nothing wrong with that)! Mary Byrne is a gr8 singer and I know that shes going 2 go far in the x factor! Go Mary and thanks 2 the lovely people in England that voted 4 her!!! – Love 2 Mary from Co.Meath

  • Hi NM30Meath,
    Good on you, Mary has been hiding her talent under a bushel for too long. We are rooting for her all the way.

  • NM30Meath

    Thanks George and You’re right! Its been 2 long and now that she has a chance, she should grab it and know that what ever happens, she not alone!

  • Shawn

    Mary is a howaya karaoke singer. Im wondering what her self pity sob story will be this week. Last week was her ‘tonsilitis’ the week before will be her ‘artritis’……typical working class howaya…..planting the self pity bug to pander to the morans that cheer on her mediocrity….

  • Hi Shawn,
    Do I detect you are suffering from a touch of the ‘Green Eyed Monster’ yourself this week.

  • Jonathan

    We had a tearful farewell at Dublin Airport last Sunday afternoon as my young daughter was leaving home (the first to go) to take up a nursing job in London having just graduated from college (No jobs for nurses in Ireland Mary H!!!). While we said our goodbyes we noticed Mary Byrne standing nearby at the entrance to the departure area. When my daughter left us and went inside to que at the check-in desk she became very emotional. Guess who was on the same flight to Stanstead and put her arm around my daughter to comfort her? Yes, Mary Byrne. A lovely woman and I’d like to thank her for her kindness to my daughter.I wish her all the bestin X factor.Easily the best talent in the competition.

  • Hi Jonathan,
    I know how you must be feeling, been there. “Tis almost morning, I would have thee gone— And yet no farther than a wan-ton’s bird, That lets it hop a little from his hand”.
    What a lovely comment on Mary Byrne. I am sure your daughter will settle in O.K. Hopefully something will come up here in Ireland in the near future. Shame on a country where the greedy few have been given the freedom to destroy the lives of the majority. It seems we must now educate our children here in Ireland, for the benifit of other foreign states.

  • Jonathan

    Thanks George. Nice Romeo and Juliet sentiments. Here’s to Mary and Wagner

  • NM30Meath

    Mary sure is doing Gr8! I wonder what song shes going 2 sing next. I hope its going 2 be a coldplay song(My favourite band of all time)! Well whatever she sings, shes gonna put her heart and soul in2 it! Go Mary and if not Mary then Wagner, Matt or Cher! Its a shame that Diva Fever and Storm are out, they were good 2!

  • Geraldine Brown

    I too had to leave Ireland in the 8o’s to follow my nursing career but don’t worry ‘cos the love for friends and family and Ireland never leaves.I now live in Scotland .

  • NM30Meath

    I wished that Mary would sing a Coldplay song and now Dannii agrees with me! I hope she sings Fix you or the speed of sound or any Coldplay song really! Go Mary! Im watching the show now!

  • Why not Frank Sinatra – I Did It My Way, or here is a song that has gone unnoticed and if sung with Mary’s passion and voice would be a number1 hit – Eric Bogle’s – “What Kind of Man”. Words are here I used this song many years ago and it left 400 of an audience of 600 in tears.

  • NM30Meath

    I can’t beleive Louis Walsh said on the xtra factor that he thinks that Matt will win but Mary will go 2 the final! I can understand why he thinks that because lets face it people like Mary never win: America’s got talent 2010 / Jachie Evancho/ aged 10/ sang like an angel/ came 2nd, Britains got talent 2010 / Janey Cutler / aged 80 / showed us that age does’nt matter when chasing your dream / never made it 2 the top three, Britains got talent 2009/ Susan Boyal/ aged 40/ was an inspiration 2 many women/ came 2nd! People like Matt however do win: America’s got talent 2010/ Micheal Grimm/ aged (I 4got)/ had a hard life and beated many talented acts/ came 1st, and there was another guy like him that won America’s got talent 2009 but i 4got him(sorry)! Who knows maybe Mary will win or maybe she won’t, but she will have a singing career!

  • NM30Meath

    Good luck Mary!!! She did’nt sing a coldplay song but the song she did sing was perfect 4 her!

  • Pat Gleeson,Cogliandro

    Congrats, Mary Byrne,
    I have been hearing about you, I was born in Swords but now live in Boston.
    Loved Shirley Bassey while growing up, I do hope you now have a wonderful career with that wonderful voice you have.

  • NM30Meath

    I really do hope she gets a place in the final. There is no1 out there like her or Shirly Bassey or Susan Boyal!

  • NM30Meath

    She has 2 go through 2 the final! So far shes doing well but you know what they say “A good start is only half the battle”.

  • NM30Meath

    Mary is just as popular as Susan Boyal now, well in Ireland she is!! Im a bit worried that she won’t make it 2 the final because well every1 else is getting better and better! Loads of people are giving up hope but when everything is against you, remenber that airoplanes fly off against the wind not with it!

  • NM30Meath

    Mary out??? I can’t beleve tis! Well at least we know dat tis is’nt te end 4 Mary, a talented woman like her will live on! Go Mary!! I hope 2 buy her album some day…:D

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