
Ol’ Blue Eyes Comes To Thurles – Sinatra Concert will feature Sean Hession

lions-clubOn Friday May 22nd next, Thurles Lions Club are proud to present “Frankly Sinatra” in the Premier Hall, Thurles, Co Tipperary. This Sinatra Concert will feature Sean Hession together with his six piece band and special guest star Louis Stewart.

Total proceeds from this concert are in aid of two deserving local charities, namely The North Tipperary Hospice and Thurles Boy Scouts.
Tickets can be booked from Hickey’s Pharmacy –  Telephone 0504-21423.

This Concert will include a varied programme of Sinatra favourites including, “Chicago”, “Come Fly With Me”, “You make Me Feel So Young”, “Mack The Knife” and “My Way”,to name but a few.
Accruing a vast professional experience and a wide-ranging repertoire of classic standards spanning the 20’s to the 60’s, Sean Hession is well known for his uncanny resemblance to the Sinatra sound.

With Frank Sinatra’s popularity ever much to the fore, Seán’s act is most sought after in the field of entertainment. He has performed at numerous conferences; charity shows, sporting functions, product launches, overseas/nationwide and high profile private parties.

Hot on the heels of remarkable sell out Concerts at the National Concert Hall and The Helix and the release of his second album, “Get out of town”, Sean now comes to the Premier Hall Thurles for one night only.
Few can truly interpret the magic of Francis Albert Sinatra as effectively as Sean Hession. His work to date has been a crusade of heartfelt singing with spellbinding Sinatra similarity.

Like all other entertainment projects undertaken by Thurles Lions Club, this night will be memorable.

Venue:– Premier Hall, Thurles, Co. Tipperary

Date:- Friday 22nd May, 2009 – Time:- 8.00 p.m.


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