
On A Visit To Meet Baby Jesus In Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

“Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven”.
Matthew 19:13-14.

If you haven’t already had an opportunity to see the life-size Crib in the Cathedral of the Assumption, here in Thurles, Co. Tipperary, same is really is worth a visit.

The Cathedral and its Crib are among the most exquisite sights in Thurles at Christmas time. Indeed, the breathing-taking architecture of our historical Cathedral, is all the more stunning at this time of year, adorned with its beautiful festive lights and candles.

People of all faiths and indeed those with no faith whatsoever are always welcome and all can be sure to enjoy a few moments of peaceful reflection and contemplation.

Legend has it, that if you take a small piece of straw from a Crib at Christmas time and store it in your purse or wallet, same will never be found empty in the year ahead.

A huge team of volunteers have worked tirelessly to construct the Crib and to decorate the Cathedral. Donations, to help with the upkeep of this historical and impressive edifice; that offers so much freely to its visitors, are very much appreciated.


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