
Neglected Cuchulain Road Junction At Brittas Road To Undergo €30,000 Repairs.

Earlier this month (April 18th 2023), we highlighted the unacceptable state of Brittas Road, Thurles and the adjoining Cuchulain (Cuchulainn) Road junction.
On Monday last, April 24th, 2023, we learn that Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) have approved funding of €30,000 to resurface at least some of this area.
All eyes will now be focused on this area, to observe at first-hand what those paying motor tax actually receive for their €30,000 outlay.

Brittas Road, outside Veterinary Clinic.

We understand that Thurles Municipal District made their application under the TII’s Geo App funding stream. The grant is made available for works on national routes estimated as being under €50,000, with the responsibility of TII, under this funding stream carried out by local authorities. The Exchequer Capital Allocation notified to TII for national roads for 2023 is €254 million for Asset Protection and Renewal, and €237 million for New Roads.

Centre of junction joining Brittas Road and Cuchulain Road.

Due to the sheer wanton past neglect and the poor condition currently experienced by motorists on this arterial route; this road, which services not just traffic from the midlands, but the transport needs of some 1,500 second level students, including numerous 48 seater buses, will now need to be closed, during any repair period, date for which has not been released publicaly.


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