
Warning To All Sunbed Users.

Skin cancer is now the most common form of cancer in Ireland, with over 13,000 cases identified annually.

To this end, the HSE’s National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) and Healthy Ireland are warning sunbed users that those using tanning beds, before the age of 35 years can significantly increase the risk of developing melanoma skin cancer by some 75%.

It has been public knowledge for some time that harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays damage the DNA in skin cells and the International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies sunbeds as being carcinogenic to those who use them.
Sunbeds cannot just cause skin cancer; they also cause cataracts and skin to age prematurely.

It is predicted that the number of cases of melanoma, per year, among males and females could possibly increase by 67%, and non-melanoma skin cancer could increase by 110%, with no safe limit identified for exposure to UV radiation from sunbeds

Fake tan does not protect you from UV rays, latter which are usually strongest between 11:00am and 3:00pm from April to September here in Ireland, even when cloudy.

SunSmart 5 S’s

The HSE are advising people to follow the 5S’s, to remain protected from UV rays.

  • Slip on clothing.
  • Slap on a wide-brimmed hat.
  • Seek shade.
  • Slide on your sunglasses.
  • Slop on broad-spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen.

2 comments to Warning To All Sunbed Users.

  • Katie

    George. I had my nephew and his wife and her sister visit us here on the Gold Coast. What a shock when we picked them up at Brisbane Airport.You would have thought they came from South Africa and not Rochdale. They were shocked to see us so white. But soon learned we don’t lie out in the sun here.It was unbelievable how they looked. I am certain they would have ended up with skin cancer. My husband John has had so many cancer spots removed and all because he came from Devon and spend time along with his mates on the beach every day. I spoke to the skin cancer specialist about this and he said this always come to the front when one is getting older. With my beautiful Irish white skin I would never lie out in the sun. So proud of my Irish white skin no matter what anyone says.

  • Katie

    George. I failed to mention that these people used to go under these Sunbeds in Rochdale UK. Apparently it was the done thing at that time. Unbelievable.

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